chapter 2- kid,

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(3rd person pov)

We see shirome in his campsite in the badlands or outskirts isolated as he gets up his kitsune mask next to him he looks at it and gives off a stifled cry as hes alone

(Shirome pov)

As i stare at the mask my stifled crys being heard by no one but the wind and the desert sun i think onto why i feal this way

Flash back shirome pov in house 1 year ago

I sit in the couch staring at the kitsune mask something about it tells me to bot wear it but y/n tells me i should that we are only continuing a legend but i inly wished that i didnt have to i fealt stuck like a rabit hole gone to deep

Y/n:"shiro get over it man there gone and we use there names is all its our way to remember them and the life we chose" he tells me sencierly

I couldnt reply my voice fealt stuck but i knew that i had to reply

Shirome:"you know y/n still dont feel right to play at the kitsune and the fox i feel while we outskill them we carry a legacy we shouldnt we should make our own have our own names" i say a sad tone im my voice

Y/n:"look little bro we can go camping affter this you know the spot clear your head jsut work with me" he tells me puting a hand on my shoulder

Shirome:"shure lets go then" i make my voice sound happy as i put on the mask a display comes come to life as i make the eyes go yellow

(Time skip)

Me and y/n are walking in the street as we go to the job locoation we were going to hit a private military called albion (a/n yes like from watch dogs leigion i will incorparate them) in all honesty i knew why the fixer asked us to hit them and we knew the history that our dad and albion had a few years back a suposed scufle with them in london

As we entered the base or more of a storage center, i went to an allyway we were in santo domingo the small storage center and i started seaking

I called y/n

Shirome:"hey can you hack the cams?"

Y/n:"yes il spot for you just find the gear"

Shirome:"ok what we looking for?"

Y/n:"a mask and hammer"

Shirome:"this isnt jori who hiered us?"

Y/n:"i dont know"

I walked thorugh the base taking out some albion gaurds as i slit necks and quitetly took down gaurds no one spoting me

As i walked into a sotorage container i saw a lock

Shirome:"y/n can you hack this?"

Y/n:"yup give me a minute"

I waited and it unlcoked and i spoted the case labeled

Albion property

Dedsec gear

Dedsec i wondered as i picked up the crate and continued to get out going unoticed

(Time skip)

We dilivered the gear to some fixer named wrench who says he feals bad for us but who knew who he was but y/n seamed to trust him as we finished out mision i remeber that y/n told me we would go camping

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