INMIMB, CS Tricks N Treats AU: Ryo x Embry and Neocrotary x Sunny: Crush

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This time, Sunny and Neocrotary will be in it instead of Neocrotary just being mentioned (Also this OneShot feels kinda cringey but not that much that I want to throw up, trust me, I've written both books and oneshots like that)

AU: They're adults and have relationships with eachother, do I really need to explain?

A/N: Yes, the time and space to save the world oneshot will be coming in the future, may become an actual story after the OneShot is out to explain more, the OneShot will probably just sum it up, I'll probably just add one par of he book to a OneShot

Note: I'm still trying to find time to play Tricks N Treats, though I have gotten an idea for how both Neocrotary and Sunny act due to having played both INMIMB and CrowScare (R.I.P Ryo's legs and Embry's Sanity. Yea, you can tell which ending I got in CrowScare), and the fact I do alot of research before playing games so that I'll be ready for anything like random jumpscares or unexpected moments, anyways enjoy!

Ryo's pov
Me, Sunny, and Neocrotary were talking about that time we had to travel through time and space to save the world, we realized somethings like how both Neocrotary and Sunny like eachother and how me, Neocrotary, and Sunny realized I have a crush on Embry. Just as we were in the middle of talking Embers--err--Embry walked in "Hello Ryo, Sunny, and Neocrotary" They said before sitting down next to me, I tried to avoid eye contact as I was blushing. "What are you three doing" Sunny happily chimed in "Oh! We were just talking about that time we saved the world by traveling through time and space itself!" Neocrotary sometimes got a bit jealous when Sunny talked with others but since me and Embry were friends with the both of them she lets Sunny talk to us without being nearly as jealous, TBH, I get a bit jealous too when I see Embry with someone else too... I just kept glancing over at them but whenever they looked at me I quickly looked away. I slightly saw them smile at me from time to time, I smiled back a bit

Embry's pov
I noticed how Ryo kept avoiding eye contact but also seemed to get jealous when I talked with anyone- could it be? No, Why would he? If I'm being honest I sorta liked him but I'm scared he doesn't like me back. Suddenly we were on another subject about a world we went into "Sooo, anyone remember that one dance in that one world?" Neocrotary asked and we looked at her and Ryo said "Yes, that was the world where you and Sunny confessed your love for eachother and... When me and Embers- I mean Embry, danced together" My floppy ram-like ears perked up when I heard Ryo call me Embers "No, it's fine! Feel free to call me Embers! I don't mind one bit!" "Oh, alright then Embers! Anyways, was I right?" Sunny happily said "Yep! That's the one!" "Yes" Neocrotary said blankly with an expression of happiness. We continued talking about the dancing world for a while, suddenly I realized I'd have to go check up on the portal

Sunny's pov
After we finished talking about the world, Embry stood up, "I have to go now, need to check on the portal" Ryo quickly jumped up "Wait Embers! I'll come with you" "Alrighty then, c'mon, we need to make sure the portal is up and running otherwise the world is doomed" Embry replied and just like that the both of them were gone. "So, Sunny, You think something happened between Ryo and Embry?" I then remembered how Ryo has a crush on Embry "Doesn't Ryo like Embry? Like, like like?" I asked, Neocrotary then picked up and put the pieces together "Puzzle finished, (Lol) and yes, he does!" "Knew it" I said before getting up and leaving, Neocrotary following me "So, now that we're sure, what will we do?" She asked to which I replied "Help them realize their love for eachother" "Oh," She realized "We're heading to the portal room, aren't we?" She asked "Yes we are Neocrotary, yes we are" When we entered Embry and Ryo were observing the portal, encased in metal and shining gold light with the actual portal being rainbow with colors that weren't

Neocrotary's pov
We gazed upon the portal, we hadn't used it since we saved the world, Embry became it main caretaker since they're able to realize what's wrong and how to fix it, we're mainly just there to make sure Embry mental stability doesn't decline too much. It was clear from the way Ryo acted around Embry or when Embry was mentioned, he liked them. "Hello Neocrotary and Sunny, we were just wrapping up our check up on the portal" Ryo said, They both smiled at us, Sunny had enough of the secrecy "Alright, Hello you two, We all know that Ryo," She said pointing at Ryo leaving Embry and Ryo confused "Likes Embry, ALOT" She then poined towards Embry, the both of them blushed. Embry then said "No, no, why would he? Sometimes I don't even like me-" "No, please don't say that Embers.. Cause I do like you.. ALOT" Ryo interrupted, grabbing and holding Embry's hands, suddenly a camera snapped and we realized it was Sunny "Awww, adorable! Just like when you two danced!" They looked away, blushing from embarrassment "Sunny!" We all then laughed

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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