The Return of Varg..

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[ A new chapter, full of new drama and lust. Who is this identical being to Oswald, and just what are they doing in her life now? Stay tuned for a whole new drama-filled story.. ]

The moon shone high in the sky, partially covered by thin wisps of opaque clouds. A bitterly-cold numbing breeze swept through the naked trees, allowing them to creep. Walden sat facing the rectangular stone monument, face contorted in what could be described as glee. She suddenly felt a presence behind her, and turned around. What she saw could only be described as angelic - a young man stood there, at a height of 5foot 5.

He had dyed black hair dropping just past his shoulders, led flat with the weight of grease - reminding her slightly of wet seaweed. It was strangely attractive. His small pointed-up nose sat below a pair of rounded virescent eyes. A baggy leather jacket hugged his small frame, dark blue jeans and a pair of phosphorescing cuban heels.

As soon as green eyes met blue, she felt like her world had been flipped upside down. She felt as if the man's eyes were piercing right through her; looking somewhere deep within and drawing out previously dormant emotions - and maybe memories.

The man sucked in a sharp breath, cold winter air penetrating his lungs.
"Hello, my princess," His voice was slightly raspy, probably by virtue of the box of cigarettes now poking out of his pocket.

"Oh, I didn't think anyone else came out here this late at night.." She giggled softly.

"Well - you must've thought wrong!" Holding his hand out, he stepped closer.

Green eyes radiating warmth signalled for her to take his hand - Walden often thought of trust as a redundant and unneeded trait, but as this small stranger held out his hand for her - she took it.

Pulling Walden in closer and hooking his arm around her, he whispered into her ear.
"Princess, by what name should I refer to you?"

She giggled 'How gentlemanly...' she mused.
"A pretty name for a pretty girl. The name's Øystein Aarseth, but you can call me... Euronymous."
At a loss for words, she smiled and pressed her golden locks gently into the small of Øystein's neck. He smelled like a combination of nicotine smoke, coca-cola and black coffee. It was somewhat heavenly. At that moment in time, Walden felt, indescribable. Otherworldly. She felt like crying. Instead, she just sighed into Øystein's neck and let him lead her away - she wasn't scared. She felt protected around Euronymous.

His car smelt somewhat like him, all of it making Walden lightheaded, dizzy. However when her eyes settled on Euro, she felt okay. He mentioned that he was taking her back to his apartment - but that he had a roommate.

But that wasn't all bad, according to Øystein he was a serene guy - he wouldn't bother them.

After a short drive - where it started snowing large flakes on the way - they arrived at an apartment block towering over them, the window sills submerged in a layer of scintillating silvery snow. Øystein stepped out of the car, walked over to Walden's side to open the door. Sliding an arm around her waist, Øystein led her up a treacherous flight of stairs into a rather large apartment.

Upon entrance, the apartment seemed relatively clean - the only mess being various magazines strewn across a wooden coffee table that sat across from a worn burgundy couch. The layout was quite open-plan, no walls separating the living room from the kitchen. The kitchen island was made from fake polished marble, with four tall, white stools surrounding the perimeter.

It was then, Walden realised. On the far-right stool, sat an indescribably beautiful man. His facial features were illuminated in the soft evening glow, being emmited through a tall window to the left. His most noticeable feature was a pale pink scar, stretching the skin on his left cheek. His striking blue eyes were laid upon a steaming mug of coffee in front of him, his strong, calloused hands gently cupping the mug - wait a second, thought Walden suddenly. There were two mugs of coffee on the island. Someone else was in the apartment? But she had assumed that the man sat at the island was Øystein's roommate?

She gently elbowed Øystein to get his attention, and when he turned to face her, she whispered in his ear.
"Hey, isn't that your roommate?"
"Yes darling, Varg, why?"
"Well, there are two mugs of coffee, so I was just thinking.."
"Oh, that's probably for his girlfriend, she might be around right now,"

After learning this information, Øystein suggested they sit down and he would prepare them some food and drink. Walden agreed and let him lead her. After being seated she greeted Varg nervously, and stared over at Øystein bring two mugs from the shelf.

After a while, a door to the right creaked open, and a woman walked out. All of a sudden, it was like Walden's world had fallen apart. The woman who had just walked out of that door, looked exactly identical to herself. It was.. uncanny. The girl's eyes roamed the room, then landed directly on hers. Her face fell shocked, and Walden could only imagine the thoughts running through her head were the exact same as hers.

Varg finally looked up now, and his beautiful features twisted, into a look of suprise - and shock.

[ Updates every week, stay tuned for the next chapter.. [ THIS IS STILL SATIRE BTW LMAO ]]

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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