chapter 1:

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I own ocs

Author pov:

5 years ago. Azuma declared war on universal defense front. Planet presidia is destroyed, planet aerial is liberated by its own forces returned to its neutral place by using there own resources to rebuild. 30.000 planets destroyed by raizo li.

(1:55 - end only)

解放の宇宙 ベーリング海峡

One massive large capital aegis class u.d.f. sister ship to the main HQ ship aegis herself. Sister name executioner. Heavily armored super carrier capital ship.


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She is over 49,000 meters. Armed with deadliest guns. Ion shield generator  main batteries are 6 turret large 30 inch particle beam cannon with bottomless clip meaning can rapid fire with zero recoil.

Personell doing exercises in the vaccum of space. (Their aliens they can breath) shane gets a call he hangs up, he comes out of the air lock.

Shane: clear the deck

Familair jet flying towards the fleet.

kyogi kaiser flying to the deck

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kyogi kaiser flying to the deck. He landed vtol mode.

Wings retracted up

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Wings retracted up. Line of soldiers lined up he landed zero gravity style took his helmet. He grabbed his wallet floating away from him in embarrassedment. They saluted to him.

Kyogi: where's frank?

Shane: with kyuren at the bridge


Ship bridge kyuren playing chess with Michael. Foulke sleeping in the barracks. Frank bly watching him.

(0:00 - 0:18 only)

Frank: its your turn man

Michael speaking his own alien language

Kyuren: dude chill your taking too long

Officer: rear admiral on deck

Frank: son of a gun

Kyogi walked in. Wtf look to Micheal.

Kyogi: your cheating again?

Michael: i wasn't cheating😤

Kyogi: sure sure

To be continued:

Later or goodnight

universe of liberation: the bearing straight Completed Where stories live. Discover now