Part 3

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It was the peak of summer . The restless youth of Sheffield all fled to the neighbouring villages clutching  bottles of liquor either stolen from parents drink cabinets or acquired by other unscrupulous means , but they hadn't a care in the world. The summer months welcomed lawless behaviour , late nights and questionable decisions, but that was the folly of youth ... Their small town suffocated them . With nowhere to exert their energy they often flocked to neighbouring towns in search of new adventure. However as the day drew to a close they always found themselves in a familiar routine..  By the time the contents of their parents liquor cabinet had caught up with them and they would seek refugee in a pasture. Once or twice they would be shooed away by a disgruntled farmer but most the time they blissfully frolicked in pastures green.

It was getting late. The sky was adopting a warm hazy copper colour , the air had a slight cool twinge to it . A nice crisp summer breeze that was much needed  after they had been victim to the scorching midday sun. Despite the developing dull headache y/n remembered feeling euphoric and carefree as she lay on her back gazing into the coppery abyss surrounded by gleeful chatter and a gentle crackling of the makeshift campfire. Y/n could feel herself beginning to drift off .. that was until a broad figure came in to her line of sight  obscuring her vision. She immediately sat up to get a look at whom ever was simply looming over her. With everyone in their drunken stupor she wouldn't be surprised if someone thought it perfectly ok to just hover ."Oh Micheal its you, what are doing ?". Y/n  said with a haphazard smile . 'Sticks , we need some more let's go" he fussed heaving her up by her forearm "Sticks ... what are you on about" she whinged feeling particularly queasy having been hoisted up like that . "Sticks .. for the fire you daft idiot, you're coming with me to get them" . "Oh .. love having a choice in the matter Micheal thanks" she muttered sarcastically. Unperturbed , Micheal just flashed his usual remarkable  grin and continued to lead y/n to another part of the field. As they reached a tree Micheal slumped against its bark and proceeded to light a cigarette.

"Sticks aren't gonna collect themselves darling" he grinned , motioning to its branches . Y/n folded her arms across her chest "Get to fuck Micheal " she cackled " Get ole Peggy up here she fancies you enough to do your dirty work" . Ready to u turn and make her way back to her spot she felt Michaels hand pull at her wrist. Y/n remembered the silence that lingered between the two as they gazed at one another .. her wrist  remaining in his grip. He gently tugged her towards him guiding her hands to slope around his neck whilst his met at her waist . Y/n remembered the sensation of his large smooth hands beginning to sculpt the contours of her body , how his gaze was unwavering how the more receptive she became of his roaming hands how he instantly hauled her towards him. How his breathe became shallow as he felt her breasts atop him . How she couldn't help the spillage of moans as he buried his face into her neck and intertwined his fingers into her hair. How he effortlessly spun her round and now had her flush against the tree , how his thumb brushed against her lower lip , how just as his wandering hands began to descend dangerously low his name was called out. Not by y/n but instead by that summers chosen concubine...
Y/ns eyes snapped open with infuriation, she cursed her brain for unearthing a memory she had blissfully forgotten. After all those years she had marked it off as a case of usual teenage shenanigans nothing to overthink .Just alcohol causing a bad lapse of judgment and the overall exhilaration of it died down pretty quickly as they chose to ignore it and continue on . However that giddy feeling began to rebirth and was on constant loop in her brain ! Was it that she was really destined for Micheal since the very beginning?

Tommy stirred as the sun peeked through the curtains illuminating a portion of his porcelain face, casting him in a sort of angelic light. This was one of the only times he managed to look peaceful, when he was deep in slumber.  Last night It was everything she wanted to hear from him and more .. but it came in the form of instructions  rather than in the form of a man attempting to pour his heart out. Y/n debated if she was in fact being picky or maybe overacting about the whole thing but deep down she knew his delivery leaved much to be desired. This was because instead of the declaration quelling her fears it instead left her in a weird limbo . Unable to deal with the overwhelming uncertainty and newfound Micheal interest y/n knew she had to do something. She  grew impatient with her own theories and decided she had to find Micheal and hash this out. Not wanting an awkward conversation with Tommy regarding her whereabouts for the day she quietly slipped out.

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