Chapter 7

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Selecia's pov

So today is Sunday and I leave today to head to Orlando. I just finished packing and I brought my suitcase downstairs and said bye to the girls and give them all hugs and tell them all to be safe and that I'll miss them and to call me if they need anything, then I grab my laptop bag and set it with my suitcase by the front door and wait for jc. After a few minutes, jc arrives and I get in his car and we drive to the airport.

J- im gonna miss you so much
S- I'm gonna miss you too but I'll facetime you any chance I can I promise.
J- alright I'll be looking forward to a facetime call from you
S- okay
J- so have you gotten the script?
S- yup it's in my bag it got here yesterday while we were out, Roxy put it in my room I started rehearsing last night
J- so whos your character?
S- im a singing waitress at a diner and Austin has a crush on me but I turn him down after he sings this really cute song to me
J- why would you turn Austin moon down let alone ross lynch
S- that's what I said but it's because my band is going on tour
J- awh okay, what are the other shows they want you on?
S- umm I don't know yet, they are gonna tell me that when I get there I guess
J- well call me and tell me
S- I will babe
J- I better be the first one to know
S- you will be
J- alright

We arrive at the airport and I get out and grab my luggage and hug and kiss jc and say bye and I'll miss him, he gets in the car and waves at me as he drives off and I head inside.

I get Starbucks and then sit down and wait for my flight to be called. Then I spot sam, Kat, Colby, and stas, so I walk over to them.

S- hey guys you going on another sam and Colby ghost-hunting adventure?
C- yup were headed to the UK for our trilogy
S- ouuu can't wait to watch it
Sa- yea it's gonna be so cool
S-ouuu now I'm really excited *laughs*
K- im super scared already
St- me too
S- I would be too but if I had the opportunity to go ghost hunting with thee sam and colby I'd be so happy
C- why dont you join us for one of our hell week videos
S- are you serious I'd love too
C- then it's settled I'll text you the details when we work everything out.
S- okay cool
C- so where are you headed and where's jc?
S- I'm headed to Orlando to be on Austin and ally and jc is heading home he just dropped me off
C- awh okay well good luck you're gonna do great
S- thanks colbs
St- did I hear Austin and ally I love that show
S- you did im guest staring on an episode and me too
st - really? That's so cool
S- yup im waiting on my flight to Orlando to be called
St- well good luck
S- thanks
K- you're living my dream I've always wanted to be on the Disney channel
S- same and now it's finally happening

We sit and talk and then finally my flight is called I grab my things and head to the gate after saying bye to everyone, and then I board the plane. I'm flying first class which I've never done before, I find my seat, and it's next to this guy that looks oddly familiar but I brush it off and listen to music and write songs.

After a few minutes, I feel a tap on my shoulder, I take my headphone out and look up.

S- yes?
??- I'm sorry to bother you but usually most girls are freaking out when they sit next to me and you are oddly calm so maybe you don't know who I am?
S- uh, oh my god that's why you looked familiar when I sat down you're matt rife from wildnout and the overnight channel with Elton and Corey
M- so you do know who I am and yet you're not freaking out, why
S- uh cause im kinda famous and I don't like people all over me and plus im dating a famous YouTuber so I know how it feels
M- wow what's your name
S- seleica
M- really unique name I like it, nice to meet you
S- nice to meet you too
M- so why are you going to Orlando
S- im guest staring on Austin and ally
M- woah the Disney channel that's huge
S- yea it's crazy
M- well I know you're gonna kill it
S- thanks
M- im headed to Orlando for a stand-up comedy show if you're not busy you should come, you can ride with me and I'll get you in.
S- sure
M- great, what's your number so I can text you

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