Liar, Liar

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A while after the two had calmed down, Wolfie decided to grab a hairbrush and brush Gwen’s hair for the first time in ages. The were lots of knots which wasn't very helpful, as she whimpered every time they were pulled even slightly, and Wolfie hated it when they hurt her. After a few hours, they had managed to get all of her hair free from knots.
"That didn't hurt at all." Gwen sighed sarcastically.
"Well it isn't my fault you don't brush is yourself!"
"You seemed sad when I got hurt, don't be silly."
"Because I don't want to see myself hurt you, it's too upsetting."
"I'm always in pain so don't worry about that!"
Wolfie shrugged and grabbed a book, reading it.
"What are you doing?"
"Finding something we can do together that won't cause arguments." Wolfie responded quietly. Gwen looked at them in confusion.
"We don't argue anyway?"
"Don't worry about it." Wolfie replied, flipping through the book pages.
Then they both heard a knock at the door, which made Gwen cling onto Wolfie's arm in fear. They carefully grabbed her waist, as if to calm her down, and it worked perfectly. The knocking continued, but wouldn't grow stronger than Esther's knocking.
"Who should answer it?" Gwen asked. Wolfie sighed.
"I will." They said, striding to the door and opening it, this time not being punched in the face. It was another woman, the same size as Esther but with grey hair, a purple hat, grey vest and black shoes. Behind her, she was holding Esther's hand, who clearly didn't want to be seen there.
"Who are you?" Wolfie asked.
The woman didn't hesitate to respond. "I'm Emelle, I'm Esther's girlfriend and she wants to apologize for attacking the blonde haired girl here, if that's alright with you?" She said. Wolfie called Gwen over and she timidly waddled up to their side.
"What do you say?" Emelle asked, pulling Esther forward.
"Okay okay, I'm sorry I stabbed your girlfriend." Esther mumbled.
"Well done." Emelle said, then turned her focus onto Wolfie and Gwen. "Hopefully," she continued. "Her apology is good enough considering what happened here between you guys." Wolfie turned to Gwen, who nodded, then looked back at Emelle.
"She forgives you." They said. Emelle seemed to have a happy glint in her grey eyes.
"Thank you for the forgiveness, I couldn't be more grateful. Now me and Esther should let you be if that's alright?"
"That would be alright, I guess." Then Emelle and Esther walked off. Wolfie went to close the door when they heard the two girls laughing I the distance. They weren't that far but they could make out the words "idiots" and "faking". Emelle and Esther were pretending to be sorry the whole time! Wolfie growled in anger, but was hugged from behind by Gwen. She calmed them down and she carefully led them back to the couch.
"Are you ok?" She asked worriedly. Wolfie nodded.
"Yes, just angry with them, that's all." Gwen frowned and leaned against their chest.
"Why?" She asked.
"They're idiots, they shouldn't treat people like that." Wolfie said.
"But...what if you'd gotten hurt?" Gwen asked.
"Oh well...then I probably wouldn't have survived." Wolfie said sarcastically.
"That doesn't make any sense." Gwen said, pouting.
"You know what? I'll take it back. We'll pretend it never happened. That way they'l never bother us again." Wolfie promised. Gwen nodded.
"Promise?" Gwen said.
"Cross my heart." They said, making a motion with their pinky finger. Gwen giggled and wrapped her arms around them.
"Now what about your hair?" They asked, smiling slightly. Gwen laughed lightly.
"Can I keep it like this?"
"Of course, but please try brushing it tomorrow." Wolfie said. Gwen smiled and nodded, letting go of them. She jumped on the couch and cuddled next to Wolfie. Wolfie put an arm around her and kissed her forehead.
"Thanks Wolfie." Gwen said softly. Wolfie hummed, content with just hearing their voice. Then they realized they haven't really talked today, or maybe they just forgot.
"Hey, Gwen?"
"I've been thinking a lot lately."
"About what?"
"Us." Gwen looked at them in confusion.
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"Nothing, it's just that we're really good friends and I don't know what's next." They responded hastily. Gwen smiled.
"If we're friends now, then we're friends forever!" She responded happily, burying her head into Wolfie's chest. They smiled and kissed her head gently, hugging her closer. They loved Gwen very much, she was someone they knew they would die for. Gwen snuggled deeper into Wolfie's arms, humming contently.
"How long till dinner?" Wolfie asked, knowing full well how late it must've been. They felt Gwen shake her head.
"Not until 10 o'clock, why?" Gwen asked.
"So we can spend more time together then." Wolfie answered, rubbing their fingers against her soft skin. She nuzzled herself into Wolfie's shoulder.
"I like spending time alone with you too, though."
Wolfie chuckled. "I know. But what do you think we should do tonight?" Gwen thought for a moment.
"Maybe we could watch a movie? Or read a book?" Gwen suggested. She yawned and nestled further into Wolfie's warm embrace.
"Or we could play a game?"
"Like tag?"
Gwen sat up excitedly, her blonde locks bouncing with each movement.
"Tag!" She shouted. Wolfie stood up and grabbed their phone before sitting back down next to her on the couch.
"Alright, you have to be quick, and you can't lose. Got it?" Gwen nodded and scooted away towards the edge of the couch. Wolfie quickly stood up, running after Gwen and scooping her up in their arms.
Gwen shrieked in laughter, kicking her feet in joy.
"Tag!" Wolfie yelled and set her down on the ground. Gwen laughed and chased after her friend, trying to pull them down.
"Get back here!" She giggled. Wolfie smiled, chasing after her. She tackled Gwen to the floor, making Gwen squeal.
"No fair Wolfie!"
Wolfie laughed and held her hands above her head.
"It's not a competition, you're just too small for my legs." Gwen huffed.
"Fine. I concede defeat!" Gwen said in defeat. Her body slumped down on the ground and Wolfie laughed, putting their hand underneath Gwen's head to support it. They then lifted their arm and started tickling Gwen's sides. Gwen giggled and tried to roll around to get away, but failed miserably.
"You win Wolfie!" She screamed as she began wriggling around on the floor.
"I never lose Gwen." They replied, still tickling her. Gwen laughed even harder.
"You are such a sore loser!" She gasped through her laughs.
"Am not!"
"Yes, you are!" Gwen protested, pushing Wolfie' legs off of her torso.
"Nuh uh." They replied stubbornly.
"Oh yeah? How bout this? If I win, you promise not to tickle me anymore!" Gwen said.
"I don't have a choice, do I?"
"You have three seconds."
Gwen pushed herself off of the ground and rolled onto her stomach, then started crawling along the carpet. Wolfie followed suit, getting closer and closer to her, until finally they caught her right before she got to the stairs.
"Gotcha!" They exclaimed, wrapping their arms around her. She giggled and tried squirming free.
"Let me go!" Gwen said, struggling to breathe.
"Ok, ok I'm gonna let you go." They said, loosening their grip a little so Gwen could breath properly again. After breathing in and out several times, Gwen sat up, still laughing. Wolfie smiled and placed a kiss on her cheek before standing up. Gwen stood up and hugged them.
"Thank you Wolfie!" Gwen cheered, giving them a tight hug. Wolfie laughed and hugged her back. Gwen eventually pulled away and sat on the couch. Wolfie joined her.
"So what did you wanna do?" They asked. Gwen grinned and pulled up a new tab on their computer, typing out a quick message then handing it to Wolfie. They read it over, their lips moving silently. When they finished reading the message, they looked at Gwen and shook their head slowly.
"You don't want to go anywhere?"
"Nope." She said cheerfully.
"Ok. Well, let's see what there is on Netflix." Gwen nodded and laid back down on the couch, snuggling next to Wolfie while they watched a few episodes of The Simpsons on Netflix. At about halfway through the episode, Wolfie noticed that Gwen had fallen asleep. They smiled, carefully tucking her in and covering her with one of the blankets they had brought. They then laid down next to Gwen, pulling her into their arms.
The night didn't last long, but neither did their sleep because Gwen woke up early the next morning. She blinked her eyes and yawned, stretching her limbs before turning to look at Wolfie. They slept soundly next to her, still sleeping peacefully. Gwen couldn't help but feel happy. It felt nice being able to sleep together, to be safe, with no worries, no fears. They were perfect in Gwen's opinion. She smiled softly at them and snuggled up closer, placing a gentle kiss on their head.
They stirred awake a bit and turned to look at Gwen. Gwen gave them a smile.
"Good morning." She whispered softly.
"Hi." Wolfie muttered.
"Did you sleep well?" She asked.
"Yeah, you?"
"Very well."
Wolfie sighed and ran a hand through their messy hair. They yawned loudly and rubbed their eyes.
"What do you want for breakfast?" They asked. Gwen shrugged.
"Whatever you'd like." She said, looking at Wolfie's face.
"What are you looking at?" They asked, grinning.
"Your face."
"My face?"
"Mhm. You're so cute when you sleep."
"Yes! It's like you're a kid who's just learning how to use words."
"Wow... You say the sweetest things Gwen." They said.
"Well, they're true."
"True enough."
Gwen giggled quietly and looked at Wolfie with adoring eyes. She smiled at the sight, tracing their jawline with her finger, admiring their features.
She wanted nothing more than to capture every single detail about them. Wolfie leaned into her touch.
"Can I ask you something?" They said quietly. Gwen looked up at them.
"Of course."
"Do you trust me?"
Gwen frowned. "Why wouldn't I?"
"I dunno, it's just… There's something going on with us. Something that I haven't told you. And I don't want anything bad to happen." They continued.
"What do you mean?"
"I… Don't wanna tell you yet." They said firmly. Gwen furrowed her brow in confusion.
"What do you mean by 'not yet?' Are you keeping something from me?" Gwen asked worriedly. Wolfie took a deep breath.
"Please, trust me Gwen. Please."
Gwen sighed, nodding slowly.
"Ok. I'll trust you. Just please, don't keep anything from me."
"I won't. I promise."
"Okay…" Gwen mumbled, leaning up to place a small kiss on Wolfie's nose. "We can watch a movie now, if you wanna."
"Sounds good to me."

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