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Hey fellow readers so this story Is going to take a twist but hope you like it.

Jace and clary were woken by a loud banging on the door "clarissa fray get your damn ass out of that room or im coming in" isabelle said "oh what do you want" jace said groggily "im coming in" "No!" They both said "im coming im coming" clary said trying to find her clothes "oh just ignore her maybe she'll get the hint and leave" jace said "no I wont"clary finally opened the door "bye jace" she said shutting the door after hearing his grunt of response

"what do you want isabelle" clary said "im gonna help you get ready for school"izzy said happily "really you couldn't wait a few more hou wait what did you just say" she said loudly "I thought jace would have told you" iz said "no no he did not why are we going to school" "I'm gonna kill him" clary said "well mom said we are supposed to lay low from the enemy" izzy said "but school really? Like I want to go back to that prison which school is it?" Clary said "Westwood high I think" Isabelle said checking her nails "at least its not my old school" so come on we need to get ready " Isabelle said "whats wrong with what I'm wearing" she said questioningly gesturing to her blue jeans and white top "do you really think i am going to school with you looking like that I'm gonna make all the guys swoon at the sight of you" she said as though clary wouldn't be offended even though she really wasn't bothered "fine" clary said boredly

About an hour later clary was stood infront of isabelles full length mirror looking at herself ( outfit above) her hair was pin straight and hung down her back her eyes had black winged eyeliner and red lipstick she had to admit she looked hot "thanks isabelle" "your welcome now lets go" izzy was already dressed to perfection.

Once they got downstairs jace stood there gawking like a fish "close your mouth youll catch flys" clary said pulling him in for a kiss "I dont think I can let you out looking like this" he said his lustful gaze sweeping over her " oh give it a rest or else well be late"iz said "shes right" alec said joining us "can we go now simons meeting us outside" izzy said "the bloodsuckers going too" jace said "he has a name you know" clary said "is magnus coming" "yes is the gay rainbow coloured warlock coming" jace said "hes a senior with alec" isabelle said "ok so jace your taking clary on your motorbike and me izzy and simon will follow in the car" alec said "ok people lets go go go" izzy said "come on clary lets go" jace said taking her hand and leading her outside to his motorbike clary swung her leg on the motorbike behind jace and wrapped her hands around his leather jacket clad torso and they drove off.

Hope you enjoy love ivy-grace

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