chapter 2

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Getting off his bed,  he stormed to Minho's room and slammed the door open. The boys shot their heads in his direction surprised by his presence while he just stared at them laying on top of each other .

"Hey Minnie!  We're having a tickle war, wanna join!? " Jisung asked with a chuckle. Seungmin just responded with a scoff  "would you actually just tone it down a bit?  There are people trying to catch some sleep." Seungmin said.  "Sorry about that seungmin, we'll keep low and won't disturb again, Sleep well " Minho said. Seungmin nodded and shut their door.

He sat down on his bed, his thoughts were all over the place.
He doesn't want to see both of them together this close.

He just wanted to be with Minho instead of Jisung.

He stole Minho away

Tears threatened to spill from his glossy eyes anytime but he was quick to wipe them away.

He wasn't going to cry this time, he was going to take actions against the injustice he faced .

Him and Minho were inseparable until Jisung came along. He can't steal Minho away from him, it's not fair.

Soon he heard the clicks of a door opening and closing , assuming it was Jisung leaving the room he got up from his bed and went to him.

He saw Jisung making his way downstairs. " Jisung " He called out softly and the said boy turned to him.
" Hey minnie" he walked towards the boy, " Can't sleep? " Jisung asked.
"well..yes, do you mind going on a walk with me outside? "Seungmin asked.  " Sure, and also so sorry for disturbing your sleep earlier.. We didn't notice we were being so loud" Jisung expressed, guilt prominent on his face. "it's fine" Seungmin replied with a tight lipped smile.
They left the cottage house, their path dimly lit by Seungmin's flash light as he walked ahead, leading the way.

As they got further and further in the forest Seungmin stated " You spend most of your time with Minho than the others. "
"You think so? " Jisung chuckled lightly " I actually like him alot" Jisung confessed.  Seungmin's lips turned upwards with an unreadable expression on his face.
"does he know yet?" Seungmin asked.
"Not yet.. But i plan on telling him soon, I love him with all my heart " Jisung said but Seungmin didn't respond and continued walking ahead.

They had reached pretty far from their cottage house but Seungmin didn't seem like he planned on stopping anytime soon, "Minnie , i think we should return home before we–" "i know where i am going " Seungmin interrupted Jisung, who was skeptical but still continued walking with seungmin.

He wanted to return to the cottage house as soon as he could but he didn't want to leave the younger alone especially at a place like this, where he was so vulnerable to dangers. Even if they didn't talk much Jisung wanted to guard Seungmin from all the possible dangers after all, they were good friends.

They walked for awhile more until Seungmin stopped in front of a water stream,  " why'd you stop here? " Jisung asked as he caught up to Seungmin's steps.
"it's my destination."Seungmin stated as he plunged a pocket knife in Jisung's chest. A loud scream left his lips as his eyes held tears of pain and betrayal.

He quickly pushed Jisung to the ground and grabbed his wrists with his free hand, and dragged him near the stream.
Jisung cried and pleaded but his pleas fell deaf on Seungmin's ears.

He climbed on top of Jisung, holding his wrists in place with one of his hands.  He grabbed Jisung's throat and pushed his head in water.  Liquid filling the poor boy's lungs , his screams and pleas being muffled by the water. He started to violently shake his arms in order to get out of Seungmin's grip.

He released Jisung's wrists for a split second only to slash his forearms.
Seungmin pressed his knees on the boy's wounded arms to keep him in place,  blood stained his puppy pyjamas. He pressed the knife to his chest again creating a deeper cut as more blood gushed out.  He dug his fingers in the chest wound.
Warm blood coated his fingers,  squishing the mushy substance he found as he dug deeper. Jisung continued to struggle and squirm.

"show me Jisung,  show me the love you have for Minho!  Where is it!? " he yelled, taking his hand out of the latter's chest. He slit Jisung's throat, his head still in the water, turning it red.
He got off Jisung and watched him struggle weakly to survive till he couldn't move any longer. Seungmin cleaned himself up after he made sure that Jisung was completely still and made his way back to the cottage.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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