New World

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Lena and I were with Henri but all of a sudden we ran through a wall and now we are in a room full of ballet dancers, well more of a stage. We were both confused and everyone else was confused too. “Where are we?” We both asked at the same time someone answered us saying it was the year 2018. Lena and I both get dizzy and fall to the floor unconscious. Some girl carried Lena to the nurse and a guy took Clara too. “You don’t need to help Ines, Max. You need to practice, that's important.” “Thea they are obviously in need of medical attention and I am going to help.” Max went with Ines and they explained to the nurse what happened to the girls after that, they left and waited to wonder when the mystery girls would wake up. A day passed and my sister and I woke up at the same time in a hurry as two nurses rushed to us to calm us. “Where is Henri?” Lena asked hurriedly and I followed. “We need to find him, let us go pleased!” Ines walked in ignoring the situation and looked at the nurses.

“Are they alright to dance? We have a class in  like five minutes, they are both my roommates.” She leaves quickly and heads to class. Lena and I look at each other in confusion and wonder what is happening. “Nothing is wrong with them so let's get them a spare change of ballet practice clothing.” A nurse suggested. Lena and I were now wearing practice outfits for ballet class and we went where we were supposed to. Ines walks to us and takes us to where she was standing. I noticed everyone talking to themselves holding these weird box things in their hands. “Why are they talking to themselves?” I heard my sister ask the girl. There was this guy doing a random move, it wasn’t ballet at all but Lena seemed interested and tried to join him in his little whatever it was. I smiled and joined them a bit. “Now you,” he said to my sister but she was confused so I nodded and tried doing what he did with his hands on the floor and tried to stay on them. I almost flipped until the same familiar hand gripped their hands and arms on my legs and my back and he picked me up bridal style, and we looked each other in the eyes. “Whoa, careful chica we don’t need to fall again do we?” he smiled softly at me and I couldn’t help but get lost in his eyes. “Yeah yeah, we don’t need that again.” I blush softly and look at how we were. “Um, c-can you put me down, please..sir.” Max realized he was still holding me and he gently put me down on the floor helping me stand up. “I gotta perform now chica, talk later.” he walked away and grabbed his prompt and I sat with my sister and her new friend. “I see you too like Max. He is one of the best here, his name is Max Alvarez, he is self taught, doesn’t have parents. Also taken by Thea Raphael.” Lena noticed that I was watching this Max guy doing his dance and I was smiling but when I heard Ines say something about him with a girl already I got sad and just continued to watch him dance. The teacher came in and looked at my sister and I. “Ah Helena and Clara, it’s an honor to see you both here. Why don’t you show us what you can do, hm?” The teacher didn’t seem to be happy but yet she was happy to see us. Lena and I went in the middle of the room and started our piece after Max was done with his. Lena and I started to dance. Ines watched them as they danced gracefully but she was amazed at how they were dancing and it was an old version of ballet. Max looked at them with amazement but kept his eyes on Clara. She was graceful and beautiful. After the music was over with Lena and Clara curtsy. A few hours later it was night time Lena and I were back into our old time clothes ready for bed, but there was another plan happening. Ines took us to the roof and everyone was dancing but in this hippity hop style. “There they are the two mysterious girls, we loved your performance and we want you to join us and we wanna see what you can do out of ballet.” Jeff stated. Lena didn’t want to dance since she was tired so I did and did some moves I saw Jeff do earlier and added something, everyone was hyping me up, but then I fell and landed on the floor. Everyone asked if I was okay and I answered saying I was fine, as I was getting up Max helped me but this girl didn’t like it so she bumped into me purposely and I fell to the floor again but this time Jeff helped me and walked with me to my sister, our friend Ines, and this one guy I don’t know but he seems to know Jeff and Ines. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2022 ⏰

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