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I started to drive to work making sure to pick Deeks up on the way. As I pulled up outside his house he came out and got in the car passing me an ice lolly.
"Guess what the temperature is Fern?!"he said excitedly
"Good morning to you too"I say with a grin
"It is 32°" he says happily
"Mother Nature has blessed us with her kindness"and with that he did a lopsided smile.
I just laughed and parked the car.
We got out and walked into the bull pen.
They were arguing about some sort of movie. I was going to say something but I remembered last time when they said about being partners for five years.
"Hey boys"I say
"Hm"they both reply
"Slightly rude"Deeks says and sits in his desk.
"So fern, what you doing today?"
I grabbed the stapler from my desk and launch it at Deeks. Hitting his left shoulder.
"Ouchhh"he said loudly
Sam and Callen started laughing and I went and patted his shoulder.
"C.A.S.E"Eric shouted from the stairs.
We all raced up stairs and ran into ops.
"Your all such big children"Eric said and we all have him a death glare.
"Anyway, Scott Andrews was found murdered in an alleyway south of Spiral street. He had traces of bomb under his finger nails."Nell said
"So we have to find his killer and a bomb"Sam asked
"A pretty big bomb, there was lots of chemicals under there"Nell answered.
"Ok me and Sam will do the crime scene, Kensi, Deeks you two take his house. And be careful, please?"Callen said and with that we both nodded our heads and waited for the address to be sent to us. Once our phones had beeped we got in the car and drove off.

"Got my back" (densi fan fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt