Chapter 3

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Blessing pov

Am I alive

I don't feel dead

I open my eyes and see I'm still in the same place I was before, but something feels different I can't tell if it's a good different or bad.

I see my mother and father with the biggest grins on there faces, why are they grinning like that

I then look down at my dress and see that it has been changed to a different color, my favorite color actually. What is going on where did this crown come from and why do I feel weird.

Mom... dad what's going on, I say

You'll see here soon darling, just know that we love you very much and nothing can change that, dad says

Change what, what is going on why won't they answer me.

Right as I thought that a blinding light appears out of no where with blue and gold mixing together, it's really pretty.

Ok if I didn't die before then I'm definitely going to die now, good bye cruel world, it was fun while it lasted.

Wait what am I talking about I didn't even get to start my life, why you got to do this to me Moon Goddess" why " I never did anything to you, I'm to young to die.

As I'm thinking this I see two people walk out of that bright light, the women looked very much like me and so did the man. The man had the sapphire blue eyes with the gold streaks in it, but the women had the platinum blonde hair I had.

Ok my parents have a lot of explaining to do, that's if they are my real parents.

So you two got something to tell me or do I need to address the two new people in the room who just so happened to walk out of a light, I say as I turned and looked at the people that raised me.

They well answer all of your questions blessing, mom says as she grabs my dads hand and goes to join the rest of the party that's in full swing.

Really they are going to leave me alone with two people that are strangers, whatever happened to stranger danger should I just through everything I learned out the window.

Oh I'm definitely eating my cheese burger in her face after I'm done with this.

Blessing, the women says as I turn and look at her

I know you have a lot of questions as to what is going on, but due know that you are not dying your father and I would never do that to you ,the women says

Wait wait wait... what mother, father no no no my mother and father just walked away from me, you know the people that raised me for 18 years, I say to the women and man in front of me.

I know it's a lot to take in blessing but is there any where we can go that is private so we don't cause a ruckus in front of all these people the man says

Fine I says as I turn and go to the gardens

I know they are following me, which is weird because I have never been able to tell when somebody's been following me before, why do I feel like this.

We get to the gardens and sit down at one of the tables that is set up outside usually for when we have guest.

So is anybody going to tell me what's going on or are we just to sit her and stare at each other I say sarcastically as I look at both of them

Blessing I know it's hard to grasp on to, but we are your real parents my I guess mother says to me

We had a real bad war that was tearing mine and your mothers kingdoms apart, it was a great darkness that was destroying everything in its path, your mother and I thought it best that you live a life in secret, to help protect you, my new father says to me

I didn't want to give you up, but it had to be done for you safety my mother says to me

If they had this great darkness after me then why did they give me to a alpha king and Luna queen, why not give me to a regular pack, not the royal pack.

So if you wanted to hide me, the why give me to royalty I say to both my new parents

They were good friends of are's actually the only people we trusted with you, and well they where having issues having a child my mother says

We thought that we could give them a chance to raise a child even if it wasn't there own, please don't abandon them you are all they have my father tells me

What about the darkness is it still around I say to my parents

The darkness is getting stronger by the day, your mother and I can't hold it off anymore that's where you come in, my father says

Wait what were I come in, how did I get roped into there mess.

We don't have a lot of time, on your 18th birthday you at your full age for when your powers and beings become one my mother says to me

You have a mixture of good and bad, some from my side and some from your fathers side all used to do good in this world, My mother says to me

And with the help from us you can fully understand each and everyone of them, but it's going to take a lot of training and trust on your end my father says to me

Wait who are you, what are you I say

I'm the moon goddess my mother says

And I'm the devil my father says

What the ... I go to say

Don't say that word you are of royal blood, and royals don't cuss my mother snaps at me, as she looks at me with that motherly stare you know the one that every parent uses on you when you are doing something bad, that one

Fine i say with a roll of my eyes, so when do I start this training that you keep talking about, I says as I look at my parents

First we well be moving you to a new castle one where you can start your reign, that we'll be after your party tonight my mother says

Then as you start your reign you we'll start your training my father says

My dear I'm afraid we don't have much time we we'll see you when you get moved in my mother says as they disappear

You have got to be kidding me, so you drop a bomb on me and then just disappear on me like the fairy godparents, oh hell no I says out loud and I guess to no one because nobody else is in the garden

I get up and head back inside to the party that is still going on with our me.

So much for a 18 birthday party thrown for the birthday girl.

As I get inside the ball room, I finally find mom and dad talking to some of the guests that showed up tonight

Mom.... dad we need to talk I say as they turn and look at each other

We can go to the dinning room my mother says

We figured you would have a lot of questions about what is going on my father says

Yep I do.. a lot of questions that I'm going to get answered in stead of a measly back story I say

I turn and start heading for the dinning room and see one of the servants holding a tray of drinks

Can you please go to the kitchen and see if they well warm up my cheeseburger that my dad left for me I say, the servant nods and sets the tray done to go and get my request put in.

Thank you I yell

If I'm going to go through this then of going to have the comfort of a juicy cheeseburger in front of me


Rewritten on 12/2/20

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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