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How do we save the planet?

How do we protect the animals and sea creatures?

How can we help to make our planet a better place? 

Those were the questions of yesterday, and the simple answer to that is, we didn't. 

We didn't save the planet.

We didn't protect the animals and sea creatures. 

We didn't make our planet a better place.

Instead we abandoned our precious hope of saving Earth. Our beautiful, sweet Earth. And we left it to die. We left it to die in the lonely blanket of space.

We had a choice, we had a chance, but we didn't take it. The mother planet with all its beauty. Her trees with colour changing leaves, her lakes and rivers swarming with fish, but most importantly all the poor creatures. The dear, sweet creatures.

We left our home planet to blast off in our shiny new spaceships towards the blazing sun and a bright future, taking me with them.

I was seven at the time, but I remember Earth so clearly. And it breaks my heart that I had to leave it. But I had no choice.

My father had died earlier that year from a cardiac disease called Heart Arrhythmias. That means that he had an irregular heart beat. My mother said it is best we leave sad memories behind us. 

My older brother was piloting a spaceship of his own so he had to go. And I, well I didn't have a choice.

I remember stepping onto the huge rocket with caution but excitement. I cried as Earth started disappearing.

And now I am on this lonely planet studying the soil for signs of life. That bright future we had hoped for became our dark and hopeless today.

I wondered why humans were such idiots and how we could make the galaxy a better place.

I wonder what tomorrow will be like? 

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