dream came true

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The next morning Robin was first to wake up and just admire Finn for a bit and he saw Finn moving a bit and so Robin thought he was gonna wake up so he went to his walking robe and got changed

(In my au Finney is strong a little bit and barely has a six pack but still u can feel it and Robin has a very noticeable six pack)

I walked out to see Finney in my hoodie and no pants (can't remember what he fell asleep in and I'm making up what he slept in now) because none of my pants fit him and I came out in my band tank top and little ripped hole jeans and he walks up to me and said he forgot to pack boxers so asked if he can borrow some of mine I said yes and he got dressed in his crop top and ripped jeans I could stop think about how he wore a crop top that showed his barely noticeable six pack to think this omega has a six pack wow but he probably worked out t I protected himself from his abusive sounding dad

We go down to make breakfast my dad left around 4 in the morning for his job it always starts early.
"Heyyyyyyy uhhhhhhhh finn"
"Yes" Finn said confused
"I don't how to cook"
"It's fine I can cook pancakes!" Finn said
"Oooooo sounds good"
Finney then goes and makes the pancakes and hands me my plate with maple syrup and he goes and gets his plate and site next to me wagging his tail and I was wagging my tail to and once I tried it I ears perked up.
"Finn.... "
"Y-yes? " Finn said scared
"This is soooooo fucking good"
"Ur welcome I had to cook at my old house for me and my sister" finney said
"U have a sister?"
"Yeah she's with my dad modeling" Finn said
"He said I would get no where but I told him I would love to be a actor and asked him if he can try get me in he didn't try... " Finn said
"Well lucky u Finn because I'm a actor not to popular but after this I'll have a break out in fam I don't care, about that but they need some one as my lover in the movie but they start out as friends and love each other in the end and it had to be a boy and u can do it if u want!"
"Omg really! I would love to acted it's my dream!" Finn said screaming pretty much
"Yes really should I tell them I got someone? "
"Yes!" Finn yelled so cute wait what?!?

I cant believe robin just asked me to join his movie he's acting in I loved to be a actorrrrrrrrrr ahhhhhh I'm screaming in my head
"They said u got the roll" Robin said
"Yayyyyyyyy thanks so much rob!"
"Ur so welcome we start tomorrow" rob said
"Ok I'll make to not sleep in to much tomorrow!"

Sorry they have been really short it's because by the time I write these I have to
Get off my phone so illl make sure tomorrow illl do a long one

552 words

omega verse (just rinney) barely touchedWhere stories live. Discover now