The Emergency Room

46 3 3

Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital

Jo's POV

Amelia attempts to carry me inside the emergency room doors but luckily a nurse sees us from inside and immediately races outside to us with a wheelchair, she's talking to Amelia but I'm in too much pain to focus on anything. As she's wheeling me inside we're seen by Arizona who hands a file to another doctor and races to my side, she tries to quickly help me onto one of the beds as I'm screaming in pain.

Arizona: "Ok Amelia, what's going on? You were very vague on the details in your message"

Amelia: "She started having cramps during her shift so I took her home, she had a bath and I gave her a heat pack, I also gave her some Tylenol but that didn't do anything for her pain. She's claiming that it's just her period but that's yet to come, the pain seems to be getting worse and she claims she's never been in this much pain with her period before"

Arizona: "Has she had any fluids?"

Amelia: "I tried giving her some tea as well as water but she hasn't managed to keep anything down, she couldn't even stomach having anything for dinner"

Arizona: "Ok Jo listen to me, we're going to get you on a drip, run some blood tests then see how we go from there. If you can manage it I'd also like to collect a urine sample for me, but we'll worry about that after we get some fluids into you"

I nod my head in agreement, I'm in so much pain the only sounds that manage to escape my mouth are screams. Soon after Arizona races over to the nurse's station and walks back with 2 nurses and equipment to start an IV.

Arizona races off with my blood and the nurses finish up with the IV. An hour goes by and the pain is worsening, Amelia's asleep in the chair next to me and the nurses can't give me anything for the pain until Arizona comes back with the results from my blood test.

After another hour of waiting Arizona walks over to me with a strange look on her face, she's starting to scare me, I hope there's nothing serious going on.

Arizona: "Jo I finally have the results of your blood tests back, everything looks ok, except your HCG levels are a bit high. How far along do you think you are?"

Me: "What? I can't be pregnant, not now, not ever"

Arizona starts to say something else to me but my crying stops her, this also wakes up Amelia who now has a confused look on her face.

Arizona: "I know this may come as a shock to you, but seeing as you don't know how far along you are and your HCG levels being so high I think it may be best to do an ultrasound and make sure nothing's going wrong in there, is that ok with you?"

Me: "I... I guess so"

Arizona: "Ok I'll be back soon with the machine, I have to go up to obstetrics and gynecology"

I'm sitting on the bed in shock, I can see Amelia out of the corner of my eye, looking at me, still with a confused look upon her face, with the exception of looking like she may be sick.

Amelia: "I... I um assume that this is a shock for you"
Me: "I... Sort of I guess, I had my suspicions but after the pain started I thought I might just be losing it, now anything could be happening"

Amelia: "I think it's more likely that you could be having twins if anything, but no matter what there are tons of people around you that will be willing to help you through this"
Me: "But Alex won't be here, what's the point of raising his child if he isn't here to raise it with me?"

Amelia doesn't say anything, instead walks off and I'm left sitting alone on the bed in the packed emergency room, thinking about how the hell I could've gotten here. I knew that I could've been pregnant when I missed 2 periods but never did I think that I could be having multiple babies, I hate myself for it but the longer I sit here with my thoughts, the worse they get. I'm hoping that this is all a dream and I'll wake up refreshed and not pregnant, although I know it's impossible, hoping for a miscarriage so I don't have to get an abortion. But through all of those other thoughts I'm thinking of how I could make this work without Alex, I've always wanted to be a mum, but with Paul that just wasn't possible, I was pushed into having an abortion, I couldn't raise a child with him, now I have no one and nothing stopping me except for my own fear.

Amelia finally comes back and we sit in silence anxiously waiting for Arizona's return

After what seems like forever Arizona finally returns with the ultrasound machine, she gets everything ready and pulls up my shirt...

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