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This story to ganxstaaa To pick a song at random to inspire a random plot

I can hold my breath
It had been a while since Yuuri had eaten his favourite meal. This was all too restricting as he puts on weight easily. He felt insecure about the way other saw him. People had insulted him for being to 'overweight', to anxious and not trying his hardest. He didn't know how to cope. He wanted to stand up for himself but he couldn't. There was always something stopping him
I can bite my tongue

These thoughts forced Yuuri to stay up for days. Viktor would scold him for not getting sleep. He would hate to disappoint the one he looks up to, his idol. He just wanted to be there for him.
I can stay awake for days if that's what you ask

"Yuuri? My little piggy are you in there?" Viktor knocked on the door, he seemed happy as always. This didn't help Yuuri, he liked the nickname but sometimes he wondered if Viktor though off him as a pig.. but that wasn't true. Right? "You we're supposed to be at the ice rink an hour ago" Yuuri didn't answer he was afraid that Viktor would think off him as lazy and not the Yuuri he once met.
Be your number one

Yuuri was able to put on a smile as he opened the door "I'm sorry viktor I forgot!" He bowed, he felt ashamed that he forgot that at all.
"It's okay Yuuri. Just we should hurry if you want to get better at the routine" viktor sighed, then chuckled a bit "well then let's hurry" he rushed out the door, Yuuri struggled behind wearing the mask he felt like he had to wear.

I can fake a smile, I can force a laugh

Too Yuuri it felt like eternity but he wanted to impress Viktor but he thought it wouldn't happen. Even though he acted like he was Yuuri was unsure to believe it. He couldn't really focus that much and just forced himself to skate , even though his feet were in pain.

I can dance and play the part, if that's what you ask. Give you all I am.

"I can do it, I can do it, I can do it" Yuuri muttered to himself. He was trying his hardest and Viktor could tell it. He always had a feeling to impress Viktor, he just wanted someone to be proud of his achievements. He was always afraid that Viktor would leave him if he gained anymore weight or failed again. Yet Yuuri felt himself getting weaker by the minute. His body was drifting along by the music. He had no control. His vision turning black as he fell to the cold ice floor.

But I'm only human..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2022 ⏰

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