// 00: an introduction //

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So you want to learn about what ADHD is? ADHD stands for Attention Defict/Hyperactivity Disorder. I will show you why it's called that in later chapters, where I introduce the types of ADHD.  But I will list the three types of ADHD here.

1. ADD 

2. Hyperactivity/Impulsive 

3. Combined 

This is an informative book. In no ways am I trying to mock people who have ADHD. That would also be mocking me. I have been diagnosed by a phsyciatrist with ADHD. I am trying to inform people about the Disorder. I hope this book will help people understand. 

So let's get started! The following info will have credits at the bottom.

ADHD is a incurable disorder that makes people become distracted easily, often times hyperactive, unless you have ADD, and Impulsiveness. Normally starts at childhood or adolescent age, and most likely will occur during your Adult years. It can often times lead people to low esteem, problematic relationships, and a hard time at school/work.

Over 3 Million US citizens are diagnosed with ADHD in the span of a year. There is treatment that can work, but it is impossible to be cured. It's chronic, so it can last some years, or even your whole life.  

If you want to be diagnosed I recommend going to one of these:

- psychiatrist 

- psychologist

- pediatrician ( if your still a kid from ages 3-17 )

- PCP or primary care provider. 

You may be wondering, is ADHD necessarily a bad thing? Well, it depends on how you look at it. You could see it As a disorder that causes people's grades to go down faster than the world spinning, which is a complete stereotype, and I would know. Or you could see it as a condition that causes people to be distracted  and hyperactive. That's the more positive way of saying it.

The following goes for combined ADHD:

So what is ADHD not

What is ADHD Not?

- a bad thing 

- a grade dropper

- something that automatically makes you athletic 

- Defiect Disorder

- a bunch of energy and constant energy like running a marathon

- a Mental Illness 

- Fake

So what is ADHD?

- it's a good thing.

- doesn't make your grade drop normally. Ex: doodling while taking notes and knowing the notes fine

- something that makes you move, only sometimes will you get an energy burst to run or something athletic.

-  a brain disorder, which may sound bad but think of it like your different from the average person.

- energy, but not enough to run every second.

-  Not a mental illness, but a Disorder, or condition..

- Real!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2022 ⏰

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