fireflies and the fishes

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Omg i write my OCs lore (not clickbait)
(Blair Lycan - She/Her)
(LUCIEN - They/He/It/Bloom/Fae/Stars)
✧ Blair meets LUCIEN and shenanigans occur.

It was a stormy day, here we meet Blair Lycan: a once normal student and curator of a museum who now inherited the flames of a God, is now walking down the streets like a soaking wet cat, there seems to be a frown upon her face.

" This is disgraceful! Why can't the rain go away, i should've bought an umbrella! " She muttered, a lot of people seems to be staring at her in shock and disbelief.

The crowd of people muttered a bunch of isn't she going to be sick's and oh gods at her.

" I don't really care if i get sick, I could manage myself, thank you! " The crowd of people shuddered away from her response, was she really trying too hard, or not??

While she was walking down the streets, tap tap tap, her shoes made a clicking sound, then a tap, wait.. she realised, her shoes don't make a tapping sound, she knows they only make a clicking not a tapping.

She brushed it off, probably going with the belief of that it's just the wind, she was this close to going to her apartment, lay in her bed and rant on how her supposedly perfect day came to a halt and yelped goodbye when the rain said hello.

That was until.

A bright light came from the skies, illuminating the gloomy gray clouds that once covered the vibrant sky, there seems to be.. an angel with four wings heading down towards the ground.

Blair notices the strange light from the skies, her gut tells her she needs to run, but how can she run if the tiles are slippery?

She does not care, she can do it. She knows she can but she gets all panicky, which leads to her slipping from the pavement and... possibly breaking a few bones or what not, her perfect day really went to a very bad situation.

She gasped and yelped in pain, she notices the same angel that has four wings and if not a freaky halo, star was walking towards her.. with an umbrella??

Blair heard the same tapping sound from earlier, the sound came from the freaky biblically accurate angel, he seems to be smiling at her, all she could do was stare at the angel gazing and observing her every move.

She tries to move away slowly and carefully, only for her to stop due to some of her bones broken, the hellspawn of God soon stopped smiling, it seems to be confused at why was she trying to get away to which he dropped their umbrella then yoinked Blair's hand.

" Be not afraid, you should stop moving. " Blair can't even hear on what it's saying, faer voice was similar to a broken radio holding onto one of the worst signals of all time but she does not want to talk with a possibly ethereal person from a different realm who is a biblically accurate angel and one of the many hellspawns(correction: angels) of God.

She stayed silent, the angel forcefully made her stood up but made sure not to make her legs more broken than before.

" Not talking? are you refusing the offer for help or are you waiting for something else to happen? It would be nice if we have a small introduction to each other instead of staring.乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ " The angel was not amused at all at the human.

" You are showing animosity towards me. "

" ANIMOSITY? That's actually my codename. "

" Oh so the literal hellspawns of God now have codenames??? "

" Can people stop calling me that.. ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ. Anyways, I am LUCIEN, also known by my code/nickname ANIMOSITY. (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠) What's yours? "

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