Nezuko headcannons

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I finally have some good hc ideas so-

(FYI, idk who made this, I just found it on tumblr,all creds to who owns it and if they don't want it up, I'll change it)

-Nezuko has a big sweet tooth and almost never says that something is "Too sweet"

-Nezuko would honestly die for you if you gave her konepeinto(I can't remember how to spell it ffs)

-if she used a breathing style, she would use either love breathing or water breathing, not including hinokami kagura

-even before becoming a demon, nezuko loved sleeping at any chance she got

-nezuko is petty

-nezuko is a sleep deprived, sleep addicted demon

-before the death of her family, nezuko would end up trying to bring home random wild animals and keep them

-she even managed to lead a full grown moose home with food

-nezuko almost never knows what's going on 70% of the time

-nezuko does not know her own strength

𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗/𝙺𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚞 𝚊𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚢 𝚊𝚞 𝚑𝚌

-nezuko shows her affection through bites. Not in a weird way, it's just how she shows affection to anyone, friends and family members unless they express that they are uncomfortable with it

-nezuko still has really scary af kicks

-nezuko still wears her bamboo muzzle because her doctor prescribed it

-nezuko's doctor prescribed the muzzle because of her biting thing happening since she was younger, and one day she accident bit someone to the point of drawing a small amount of blood

-nezuko is a transfer to kimetsu academy as an 8th grader (junior high 3rd year I think idk how the schooling works in Japan that much)

-nezuko had to transfer because due to an incident that happened pretty close of nezukos 2nd year, which ended with her being forbidden to attend for her last year of middle school

-the caterpillar trio (aka, sumi,naho,and kiyo) are friends of nezuko from her old school who were involved in the incident as well, and was not allowed to attend their 2nd year (during th3ir time at the school, nezuko was in her second year and the trio was in their first year)

Alright I'm out of ideas, I'm done now so ask me for something I can do

Word count not including these:352

Word count including these:359

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