Chapter One - I'm where?!

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Hi guys! Just a quick guide for people who haven't read 'x readers' before. (Y/N) stands for your name. (Y/C) stands for your colour (like fur colour). And finally (E/C) stands for eye colour

A groan escapes her lips as she slowly opens her eyes. Light slowly filters back into her vision, and immediately she is greeted by a herd of wild horses pounding into her skull. 

Where? ... Where am I?! 

Panic envelops inside her, attacking her brain. A calm flowing river was on her right, contrasting greatly to her panic stricken mentality. Her brain tries to figure out a logical explanation for it all. Maybe I'm in heaven? That might make sense... Different from what I expected though. 

With that thought in mind, (Y/N) takes a few deep breaths, calming her mind. Surveying her surroundings, she discovers that she is just infront of a spaceship of some sorts. Her exploding head doesn't help, and she places a hand on her head. Ears twitching... wait... EARS TWITCHING?! 

Rushing to the river, she stares at her own reflection. A (Y/C) fennec fox stares back at the girl, her (E/C) eyes brimming with emotions. What the fuck! Scrambling away from the river, she tries to think of a simple explanation. What do i know of that has bipedal animals... Come on brain think! After a few moments it hits her like a hurricane raging for revenge. (Y/N) had found herself in the Sonic universe. At which point in the timeline, she did not know. And as if her prayers had been answered, two skunks came trudging along, the larger one of the two carrying a person (?). 

Instantly recognising them as the infamous - its laughable how terrible their rhymes are - Rough and Tumble, its quite obvious at what point in the sonic timeline she's in. ..... Or maybe not. Before she can go cry in a corner, (Y/N) notices that Tumble is carrying something quite large. That large object is none other than Mr Tinker. Puzzle pieces snap together in her mind. Ok IDW comics.... Rough and Tumble yonk Mr Tinker. Then Dr Starline tries to bring Eggman back. That fails. However Metal Sonic arrives and then he remembers everything. Eggman returns. This is when Sonic and co are fighting Neo Metal Sonic... Holy fricking cheese balls. This is just before-

"Please. I can fix anything you need. Your t-toilet? Uhmm your fridge?" 

"Shut it Tinker." 

Alarms blare in (Y/N)'s mind. I can change the course of the story. I can save him! But how? There was no time for that as (Y/N) had just revealed herself. Her feet had moved without waiting for a response from the rest of her body.

"Hey! Let him go!" Apparently her mouth also wasn't listening either. What am I DOING?! I can't take them! I can barely win against a tree let alone these two!! 

"You lookin' to fight?"

"Then get ready to crumble." 

"Brace yourself for-"


Taking a deep breath, the fennec fox desperately holds in her laughter. No time for that (not yet anyway). They both seem to notice her contained laughter (they were quiteannoyed I might add), and rush her head on (after Tumble dumps Mr Tinker - oof - on the dirt). A screech escapes her, and she flails her arms. Water rushes pass her head and a tidal wave crashes over the duo. 


A growl erupts from Rough and the smaller of the duo spins at her. Trusting her gut, she moves her arm in an arc-like motion. Water follows the exact movement of her arm and crashes into Rough. A grin as long as an elephants trunk stretches across her face. The two skunks and the (Y/C) fennec fox continue to fight one another. She would hit them, they would almost hit her. Until finally Rough and Tumble went down. And stayed down. Oooh they were gonna feel that in the morning. 

Padding over to Mr Tinker, (Y/N) carefully helps the poor - once evil - man. After helping him up, she quickly explains that she is not a threat. 

"Well thank you uhh-"


"Yes, thank you (Y/N). Is there anything I can do to repay you?" The girl was about to answer, however the overexcertion as well as her bloody headache finally caught up with her. (Y/N) falls to her knees and just breathes for a minute. "Lets go to Windmill Village. We'll be safe there." The fennec fox agrees and the two make haste.

I just hope nothing too bad happens after changing the timeline...

Hello there readers! Welcome to my sonicxreader. I apologise for making (Y/N) a fennec fox but this is my first 'xreader' as well as it will make sense for the story later on.

Anyway, for those who don't know me, my name is Ham. I also have this story on my Quotev account (which is under the same username btw I am not plagerising). I look forward to taking this adventure with you.

Also be warned my updates will be random, but I will try to update kinda consistently. Thanks for taking the time reading this story.
Peace out! - Ham

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