Chapter 4: Adventure

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Can't believe I'm actually updating this weekly, also because this is where my idea start to fade as I actually need to think about what direction the story should go at.

This story will have the following:
-Swear words
-Graphic descriptions of injuries
More will be added in future chapters, if you're not comfortable with any of the listed above I suggest you to not read this story! Other than that, enjoy!
"Um... Hi..?" The white figure spoke as Sabre opened the bunker door. They seem to have a clumsy nature as they repeatingly tapped their fingers together.

Sabre stared in awe and confusion. How? Are these people real? But the apocalypse...

"... What is it?" Sabre replied, his eyes behind his blindfold squinted.

"I- I mean- We apologize for intruding... But my friend here.. he- he needs help.."

Upon hearing, Sabre gazed over to the rainbow figure next to them. Their messy rainbow hair covered their eyes as blood dripped from their face and the left side of their wing is torn off with blood. They seemed lifeless as they stood there, not talking.

Sabre started to hesitate once he saw the blood, he held tight his bat while his hand started to shake.

"W-wait..!" The white figure yelped as they reached out their arm to protect their friend. "He's not infected.. I-I promise! He just accidentally fell on top of a rock and hurt himself... We saw your bunker and I thought that you could help him with his i-injuries.. that's all..."

Sabre turned his head to face the white figure. He paused for a while before he let out a sigh. "Fine.. but If I find out that he's infected.. I swear I'll kill him on the spot.."

"O-of course.. thank you!!" The figure thanked Sabre as Sabre let the two strangers in. The white figure held his friend's hand as they joyously walked into the bunker.


"Say, do you have any food around here? We're kinda starving since we couldn't find any" the figure spoke as Sabre zipped up his chicken onsie. He stared at the mirror as he spoke, "Yeah.. I got some raw beef yesterday. I don't mind sharing but you'll have to help me get more if you want to stay here."

"R-right.. of course.." they nervously replied.

Half an hour later...

The two strangers haven't really moved much upon entering the bunker. The white figure is mostly worried about his friend as Sabre finished cooking the beef.

"Here" Sabre handed him two cooked beef, one for his friend which seemed to be asleep on the white figure's lap with their blood cleaned off. Sabre brought his own portion and sat next to the two on the floor.

"Thanks.." the figure responded as they slowly ate a bite.

"What's your name?" Sabre questioned. "If you're staying here for a while then I might as well need your name so I can know who you are"

"O-oh right.. I almost forgot about that. My name's Light and he's Rainbow.."

"... So you, who dresses in all white, is called Light. And your multicoloured friend here is called Rainbow?" Sabre replied in a sarcastic tone.

"H-Hey! It's the best way to identify ourselves.."

"Right, of course.."


"..Thanks for the meal" Light said as he walked up to Sabre who's washing the dishes, Rainbow still lying asleep on the floor.

"You're welcome, but don't start to treat me like some sort of friend, I only helped you because I haven't seen anyone that's a living being" "Well... Except for the stranger at that village.." Sabre mumbled the last part.

"Did you say something?"

"Huh? Oh uh, no..?"

"Ah, alright" Light replied in a confused tone, he placed the plate for Sabre to wash when suddenly groans can be heard. Light turned out to see Rainbow curled up with his hand on top of his head, seemingly like he's in pain.

Light immediately ran to where Rainbow was, he kneeled down to pick him up as Rainbow continued to cry in pain. Sabre saw the commotion and stopped washing the plates to check Rainbow's current condition.

Light handed Rainbow over to Sabre as Sabre inspected his injuries. The blood has started to drip again as Rainbow held his hand on his head tightly.

Sabre hesitated for a while but he decided to swipe Rainbow's hair to look at the injuries, his face immediately deepened as he did so.

Underneath his hair was an exposing skull. Rotting flesh surrounds the area as blood continued to drip from the wound. The middle of the skull was cracked open to expose his brain.

Sabre immediately stood up and walked to grab his bat, Light notices what he's doing and quickly blocks Sabre's way to get to Rainbow who's still yelping in pain.

"MOVE!!" Sabre shouted as Light's eyes started to water. "P-PLEASE!! You're my only hope to save my friend... You HAVE to give us a chance..!"

Sabre's expression started to angered more. "I let you stay because I wanted to help your friend... But now that I've realized that you lied to me just so you could bring a husk inside my bunker.."

Light tried to spread his wings when Sabre prepared to strike, his tears rapidly fell to the floor. "I-I KNOW A WAY TO CURE HIM..!"

Sabre's expression lightened and he gripped onto his bat, "....What?"

"There's a f-flower that can cure the infection.. it's just really hard to find and it only works once.." Light continued, keeping his eye out.

"A Flower..?" Sabre thought to himself. "Is it blue?"

"H-How did you know?"

"..I saw one when I was at a village, I didn't bother to pick it up because I thought that it was just a regular flower.."

Light's expression immediately brightened as soon as he heard that, "That's.. a-amazing!! Do you know where to go so we could heal Rainbow?"

Sabre sighed, "..I don't think so, because of the haze I've never memorized the path to get to the village, not that I would have since I didn't find anything valuable there"

"Oh.." Light gloomed. He retracted his wings and faced over to Rainbow, whom has stopped groaning and layed on the floor.

Sabre felt a pinch of guilt, he didn't want to accept it but it seems like he couldn't bare it any further. "...Fine. We could leave this place and find another one, I'll just have to tie your friend up in case he fully transforms and breaks out of the bunker."

"A-alright... Thank you.." Light felt as though he should've been thankful of Sabre for trying to help his friend, but at the same time he couldn't bare leaving him behind.

Sabre gathered some rope that's made with leaves and tied Rainbow on top of the bed while he was still unconscious, putting nails at the end of the rope to make it more secure.

After that, he walked to grab his gas mask, "Well? What are you waiting for? I don't have all day, it's best to leave as soon as possible"

Light sighed and looked at Rainbow once more, before finally gathering the courage to follow Sabre.

"Alright, let's go"
Word Count: 1,128 Words (Ayyy)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2022 ⏰

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