A Wish Your Heart Makes

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Ladybug sighed contentedly as she finished buckling one of her babies into their stroller and settled down beside her husband to watch the sun setting over the Seine.

Cat Noir's face was bright with happiness as he passed her their red and green ice cream cone, his gentle smile widening as she slipped her arm through his and nestled closer beside him.

Ladybug closed her eyes, cherishing the peacefulness of the moment, feeling the warmth of his hand rest on her leg and calmed by the steady rise and fall of his shoulders.

She bolted upright as something sharp started rattling inside her mouth, scratching her cheeks as the rough taste of metal burst across her tongue.

She quickly spit it out into her hand and recognized it to be a small alarm clock that was ringing loudly.

"Again? These alarm clocks are starting to become a nightmare."

Ladybug gasped as the words flowed from her lips and something nagged heavily at the back of her mind.

She quickly glanced around and saw the whole city seemed to be filled with alarm clocks, their bells screaming urgently, demanding her attention as their echoing calls filtered warningly across the sky.

She looked back to check on their children, but when she pulled down one of the little red and black hoods she was only met with yet another clock ringing incessantly.

Tears filled her eyes as the weight of her realization shattered the fantasy they had been living in.

She turned to her partner in despair. "This is a dream!"

Cat Noir remained unconcerned, his mind refusing to put together the pieces that were so evidently displayed in front of them, just as hers had been.

He smiled tenderly back at her, while his eyes twinkled with a familiar flirtatious cleverness as he replied earnestly. "I know, M'lady. Living with you is my biggest dream."

He cupped his hand affectionately against her cheek, his heartfelt words causing her to smile despite the heaviness weighing down on her, and for a moment she allowed herself to take comfort in them, laying an appreciative hand to his, before forcing herself to pull it away.

"No, you don't understand, Cat Noir. We are in a dream."

She hastily wound up the tiny alarm clock and held it up between them, its sharp tinkling piercing the defenses he had layered around his heart.

Ladybug's own heart broke as she saw the look of understanding slowly fall across his face.

"Are you...are you saying that this is fake?" His voice timid as the ringing pressed insistently on against their ears, and Ladybug could only nod as a new wave of sorrow engulfed her.

Cat Noir grimaced in pain and frustration, then desperately tried to quiet the bell in her hands.

"No, Cat Noir!" Ladybug exclaimed, tugging it away from him, and holding it out of reach, causing him to fall forward and slump despairingly across the bench at her side.

Ladybug stared down at him, her mind torn with compassion and a sense of duty. "We have to wake up."

Warm teardrops thudded softly at her feet as Cat Noir remained hunched over in agony, his voice filled with emotion as he protested anxiously, "But I don't want to lose all this."

Ladybug's heart softened as she tenderly lifted his chin with her finger.

"I don't either, my kitty."

She leaned in to kiss him once more and felt him do the same, her heart breaking as she felt herself being pulled back into reality, away from the wondrous life they had so intricately shared.

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