Chapter 6: Royal Pain

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Juvia's POV:

I wait walk around the castle. I can't believe I grew up in a place like this. All the money in the world but I don't want that. I just want love. Real love not an arranged marriage to Lyon.

I hope Gajeel likes it back home. I know that he likes being home especially when he gets to see her.

As I was day dreaming I bump into someone. I fall down but I didn't feel the ground, I felt a hand.

"Are you ok?" I hear a voice ask.

I hop up trying to see who grabbed me.
Oh no. No. No. NO! Not him!!! Why in the whole world did it have to be LYON.

"J-Juvia is PERFECTLY fine!" I said irritated.

"Well as long as your not hurt I will be on my way." Lyon bowed.

"Thank you for saving Juvia." I curtsied.

We both went the other direction and went our separate ways. I decided to plan to go to the barn tonight.

I hate going at night because I couldn't stay long. But it is worth it to see him. Maybe I will stay longer and be a rebel. I don't care what mother and father will think.

Gajeels POV:

"Surprise! Welcome back Gajeel!!" A voice squeaked.

"L-Levy!!" I smiled.

I pulled her into a tight hug. I hold her into a tight grip. Like, if I hold her too tight she would crumble into a million pieces. I hold her like she fragile and I didn't want to hurt her.

"I missed you so much." Levy cried.

"Don't cry I'm right here...." I whisper.

I feel horrible. We are completely different and father wouldn't accept us. Me and Juvia are really similar. Keeping our love private. Afraid. Afraid to be ourselves. What would everyone think of us.

Why do these things get into my head. I don't care what they say. I have my beauty. I'm her beast.

Juvia's POV:

I get on some ripped jeans, plain blue tee, and some leather boots.

I'm done with this palace. Stupid rules. Stupid father. I'm done.

I get a bag and pack up some stuff. I hope they would let me stay. I wouldn't want to be a royal pain.

I climb out my window down the vines. I run. Far, far away. For once....

I feel.

The air. The sounds. It's amazing. I'm so happy. I used to be so depressed. They call me the rain woman. But, when I found Gray-sama I felt complete. I saw the light because of him and I need him.

~time skip~

I finally reach the barn. It looks the same and smells the same. Booze and laughter. Ok, I don't know what laughter smells like but who cares I'm free. I'm happy.

I open the door to see everyone. My friends.

"Juvia what are you doing here!" Lucy runs up to me.

"Juvia wants to see Gray-sama, have you seen him?" I ask.

"Hmmm....I think he and Natsu went on a job together." Lucy thinks aloud.

I guess I have to wait....well I could just catch up with everyone. I only see them maybe 2 or 3 times every few months.

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