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(Door bell rings...and when opened there is just smoke left with a letter and that letter is in the name of...what? Alistair???)
FATHER : Alistair! Alistair! A miracle happened and you got a letter.....

ALISTAIR : What? For me??? This never happened in the past 1700 years.

FATHER : Check it.

( Alistair opens the letter )

(closes letter) What? a 300 years !!!!

( Alistair sighs and says )

How come this happen ......I did nothing wrong................Are angels not supposed to save humans? Then for what we are here?

( Foot steps approach saying ) Alistair you got another letter, go to the letter box.

Alistair opens the another letter and starts reading it, in which it says like...............

(Alistair is confused ) Chuckles nervously cause he is in a situation where he has to be happy for being invited to skies and being sad for mentioning disobeying in the letter. Immediately he is rushing toward the GATE . ( father comes and asks Alistair ) Where are you rushing to and what about those letters I heard of............ Something happened? ( Alistair quickly ) No Father, nothing happened I'll explain you everything once I come back. I'm going to skies and I got an invitation from HIM. ( Father surprisingly in his mind ) What?? Nobody gets an invitation without any purpose of HIM. Let Alis come and say what happened there. ( Alistair opens the GATE and entered skies ) What's all this!! I've never been to skies before. It's soo..umm...bright here... full of smoke everywhere........ Wait a minute, Is that the chair of HIM?? Its's so fancy.....Maybe there is no one here its's soo empty here. Alistair surprised of listening to the voice of HIM from every corner of the sky..... HE : Angel Ben, you are invited here to discuss your disobeyed law 21 of ACON, according to which you shouldn't infer in the life and death matters of humans. But, you saved a child's life who is supposed to depart this life. So, If you want to regain your life span of 300 years back, you should create the same circumstances for her. The decision is up to you my son. Good luck! ( Alistair returns to the church and says to Father ) Father, this is the first time I went to the skies. It's soo good there. Skies is full of smoke and............. ( Father asks him what happened there ) Ohhh! about that. He gave me a chance to regain my 300 years life back and said to create the situation for that girl. ( Father surprisingly ) What? About which girl you are talking about? ( Alistair explains about a night )
Actually one day while I was sitting on the rooftop, I heard a girl yelling.......(says back story)
                      Dad! Dad!
(Yells a little girl from a van window)
The man beside her covers her mouth with his hand and says her to shut up. He called her father immediately and demanded him amount of 1million dollars. Her father said that he can't afford that much,then the men said that they will sell his daughter and make money......
                                                                         (Dad nervously)
No! No! Please don't do it. I will arrange the money in any way. Please don't harm her.
Men in the call :Don't try to be smart and complaint about us!!!otherwise you know what we will do..........
                                                                                (Call cuts)
Dad called police, said what happened and police suggested him to go to them. So, he went to them and tried to give them an empty bag but, at that time police arrived. By seeing police, they escaped in a van by over speeding. But, when the police was very close to them they thought of leaving the girl. So, they pushed the kid out of the window and went away. The police went after them but didn't saw that girl falling from that vehicle. They chased them and prisoned. I saw that little girl bleeding from her head basal part. So, all I did is just admitted her to a hospital.                                                                          ( Meanwhile father asking )                        In your real form? Did they saw  you???                    ( Alistair speaking )                 No , Father. I made a noise from a room of hospital and the staff came after my going.I just did that and nothing more.Don't know why HE gave that thing for this mere one.
      (Father sighs and says Alistair to find that girl and erase the memory of seeing him...)
But Alistair said that the girl barely opened her eyes....
Then Father: Find that human and do what HE said.....
Alistair: I will think about it...I know her place...

Meet me on Instagram--@mocha.006
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