Day #0

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Saturday, August 31st 2024

It was a stormy night. He wore a black rain coat and headed towards the famous club named 'Daddy's Babygirl'. As he entered, he bumped into someone. He turned towards the person.

"Josh? Oh god! What's with this scary look? I almost thought I was gonna get stabbed!"

Josh was a regular customer of the club. He knew most of the people who visited on Saturdays. The person he bumped into was one of them.

"Oh bro! What do I say now! My car had stopped working in the middle of nowhere. I had to call someone to help me get it to the servicing station. After I reached there, I was told that the servicing thingy would take a few hours. You know how hectic my week days are. I was frustrated. I had to come here. So, I asked for an umbrella or something. But unfortunately, this was all they had. I have given them this club's address. They will leave the car in the parking area after they are done."

"Wow! They do that?"

"Of course, not. I had to give them a lot of extra money."

Josh told his friend, he didn't seem to recall the name of, the entire story. This was one of the best things about the club. Everyone knew each other.

Everybody was everybody's friend. But, people hardly remembered each other's names. That was because most of the time people were drunk.

But, don't we all agree that talking to a complete stranger is way better than talking to someone you know well?

"Well, it's about time you find your little. I'm off early today. Go, have fun." He patted Josh's shoulder and left.

Josh brushed his slightly wet hair with his fingers. His wet hair looking exactly like other men in the club. The difference being Josh had water and the others had sweat.

Josh wanted to drink. But, he also wanted to dance so much that his stress would go away. He decided to start dancing first.

A man joined him. Then, another. And another. Again, another. Soon it became a group of 10-11 men.

Everyone suggesting the other to approach girls in the club. Pushing the guy to give it a try. And even cheering up the ones who got rejected.

Josh's hair were no longer wet because of the water. But, nobody cared. 'As long as you are under the disco lights, nobody cares even if you are naked' was what people in the club said.

That was another good point. There were hardly anyone who tried dirty tricks. Or disrespected the other person's choice.

A 'no' is 'no'. It was very clear to everyone. And if, once in a blue moon, someone did try going against what's said above, then the owner of the club took strict actions against it.

Making sure the person would never repeat the mistake again. And of course, denied access to the club, forever. Josh was busy dancing when someone came from behind and held his shoulders.

He turned and saw another 'nameless friend' of his. He was panting. Josh patted his back, laughing.

"Calm down, buddy!"

"Bro, I've got just what you need!" He exclaimed excitedly.

Josh raised an eyebrow, not understanding a word. Before he could say more, the other guy pulled him by his hand to a darker area of the widely spread dance floor. Josh had no idea where he was going. His friend stopped and whispered in his ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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