Deal With The Radio Demon

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As your alarm goes off you press the off button before groggily rubbing your eyes and sitting up. It's been two weeks since your last encounter with the radio demon and Stella and him have been bugging you non-stop. At the first sign of you not showing up, Alastor began to think you were late. Then he got worried and concerned. And after all of that he proceeded to contact Stella, who then proceeded to call you.

You only got two full hours of sleep before you had had enough.

You grumble before making your way over to the phone and abruptly picking it up, yelling, "What!?" Into it.

You hear the person on the other side shift around a bit before uncomfortably clearing their throat.

"O-Oh...I'm sorry...I thought you were already up. I'll call back tommoro-"

"No! No no no no no! I'm sorry. I was just expecting someone else to call. Please, continue on, Tex."

"Oh. Okay then. I'd hate to be on the receiving end of that stick... Anyways, my girlfriend and I are throwing party in pentagram city near that new hotel. It starts at nine and doesn't end until the morning after. Feel like getting wasted tonight?"

You think for a bit before shrugging. "Hm... why the hell not. Okay. I'll be there at nine pm sharp. If not, save some whisky for me, okay?"

"For sure. I'll text you the directions to address. It's getting late and I got to go set up for the party. Goodbye now, (Y/n)."

"Bye Tex. See you later." You say as you hang up the phone before sighing and hopping out of bed. After you quickly take a shower and fix your hair, you put on another pair pajamas of with a matching robe and garter  before walking out of the room and into the kitchen. Don't know why but you felt the need to wear it today. As you get into the kitchen, you pause before sighing and grabbing a certain imp by the horns, causing him to groan in pain as you proceed to let him go.

"Blitzo. What the FUCK are you doing in my kitchen?"

As the he hears you from behind, he turns before holding his arms out for a hug. "(Y/n)! I've missed you soo much!" As Blizto runs towards you with open arms, you quickly dodge, causing the imp to faceplant into your counter. As he grimaces, you step over him before opening your fridge.

"It hasn't even been a full day since I last saw you. What do you want?" As you pop open a bottle of wine and drink it, Blizto rubs his face before standing up. "I don't know. I'm bored, like, really bored and the first thing I decided to do was come here."

"Well that was a stupid idea." As you finish half the bottle, you put it back in the fridge before turning towards Blitz, a hand on your hip. "I have somewhere to be and would much rather go there alone." As you say this, he tilts his head towards you. "Where you going?"

"To Pentagon City."

"For what?"

"A party."

"Can I go?" You shake your head.

"Absolutely not." Blitzo pouts. "And why not?" You sigh as you put on some matching before opening up a portal. "Because you're an old man that'll ruin my vibe.

"I'm not old." You laugh. "Oh, please. You're about as old as Satan himself. I'm not trying to have you ruin my vibe so I'm going alone and by myself, Mkay? Bye Blitzo." As you salute to him, you quickly fall back into the portal before landing in Pentagram city. As soon as your feet touch the ground, the portal closes. You then proceed to pull out your phone and text Tex you're there.

When he texts you the directions and time, you frown. Six hours from now. Putting your phone back into your pocket, you begin to look around. Six hours to spend in the capital of hell. With nothing better to do, you head towards the hotel, looking for Angel and the others.

Dying Is Such A Bitch (Various Helluva Boss x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now