The Creature

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A muffled noise coming from somewhere downstairs made you rouse from your deep dreamless sleep.

You opened your eyes, blinking a bit as they adjusted to the darkness of your room. You glanced at the time.

12:39 PM...

It had only felt like a few minutes ago, when you and your friends had been binging Halloween candy and many other treats from around the neighborhood, but looking at the time, that had been hours ago. 

You were laying on your side, and you were already quite comfortable, so you were about to fall back asleep, when a sudden noise brought you back to alertness. 

What was that? You thought, as your eyes scanned the far side of the room. 

Suddenly, without warning, the noise appeared again. It sounded heavy, like footsteps, but with a slight slither to it as well, like a snake dragging its body across a dry bed of leaves.

W-Wait, is someone breaking in? Oh god, oh god, oh god. What do I do?

You thought in a panic. You knew you should grab your phone, and call the police, but you quickly found that you couldn't move. Not even a finger. Your entire body was as stiff as a plank of wood.

What the?! Why can't I move? I can feel my arms and legs, but I can't move anything! You thought, panic starting to seep in even more. Not that you weren't panicked enough already.

You lay there for what seemed like hours... or was it minutes? Strangely enough, you felt like time was moving slower. Or was that just you? Your clock on your bed-side table said only two minutes had past, but it felt more like ten. 

Is this what sleep paralysis is like?  Is that why I can't move? You thought, as you tried moving any part of your body, but to no avail. However, you did quickly find that you could move. But only a little. It took a lot of effort, but you managed to move your head so that you could see out into the hallway beyond.

There was another noise. This time, it sounded closer then the other times. It sounded like it was just in the room beyond your bedroom.

This was the thrid time you had heard something. Not the gentle creaking of floorboards, or the tin roof of your house as it settled, but something else... Something just felt off...

Your mind raced, automatically picturing all of the terrible hideous creatures that were crawling through the house. Each noise was them looking for you, but you knew that wasn't true. It was just your imagination. You had never been a fan of the dark. Not when you were younger, and not even now.

It's alright Y/N. It's alright... It's only sleep paralysis. The noises probably aren't even real. It's all just in your head. Just go back to sleep, and morning will be here before you know it... You thought, trying to reassure yourself that everything was alright.

There was a sudden muffled crash in the room beyond, before a muffled growling sound filled the air around you. 

...Or maybe it's all just a dream? You thought meekly, desperately wishing you had someone to hold you at this point. Wishing that this would all just go away. Or that it was just in your head. 

You remembered all the time when you had had a nightmare when you were very young. When you had raced into your parent's room, sobbing. Wanting comfort. You hadn't done that in a long time, but tonight, something felt slightly unnatural. Every creak of the house. Every rustle of the wind, blowing the branches and leaves outside. You lived in a very populated area, in a busy Neiborhood, so it wasn't like you were really any danger. Even though there was a large forest just a few blocks from your house. 

It was only at that point that you suddenly realized something. 

Hold on... If I'm in sleep paralysis, then don't people usually see a demon or monster, or something like that? You thought, just in time for you to hear the final dreaded sound. 

A scratching tapping sound, coming from just outside your room. 

It was pitch black, and you could barely see, but you swore that in that moment, something jet black, had slipped into your room, under the cover of the shadows. The door creaked slightly, before stopping, as if something had moved it.

You still couldn't move, or even speak. But you had a horrible feeling that someone... or something was in the room with you.

A low guttural growling noise sounded right next to your ears, as some unseen monstrosity loomed over you from behind.

Through sheer will power, and with a lot of effort, you managed to turn you neck so that it was looking up, only for you to come face to face with a creature that looked like it come straight from someone's nightmares. 

It was an inky black and covered in scales. It looked like it resembled a mixture between a Dragon and a raptor, and that wasn't even mentioning it's teeth, which jutted outwards like an angler fish, with pitch black eyes that also bulged outwards, but you got the impression that it could still see you perfectly well. However, you weren't focused on it's looks in particular at the moment but were too busy trembling violently in fear. Or at least trying to. Honesty, it didn't even matter if you had sleep paralysis or not, because you were absolutely petrified through fear anyway, so that didn't really help. 

"Well, well, is the little Human scared?" The creature asked. Its voice was deep, guttural, and mocking with a constant growl to it. You would've responded. You would've said something. anything. But you couldn't even move your mouth. Only make a number of whimpering noises from inside your throat. 

The creature chuckled. Or at least it sounded like that. It sounded like metal grinding against a chalk board. Like it hadn't had something to laugh at in a long time. 

"What's the matter? Can't move, can you?" Heh, heh, heh. Good~ you're making this too easy for me Human~"

Before you could even comprehend what, the beast had just said, its eyes widened, before rolling back, as its mouth opened up. It was dark inside's mouth. Not saying that it wasn't dark enough in your room already, but somehow the darkness of the monster's mouth and throat seemed to loom from the blackness of the room.

Before you could even react, mentally or physically, the creature's jaws lunged down, and took the entire upper half of your body into its mouth...

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