🖤Yandere Billy showalter hcs<3🖤

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• is super clingy to you.

• always has to be with you in any way shape or form.

• teches his dog how to attack people so if anyone has done you wrong,🐶👉👤☠(there dead)

• stalks you from time to time.

• gets jealous easy.

• you dont mind his clingyness or how sometimes he stalks you for some reason.

• only killed one person(da grabber) for you but is not scared to do it again.

• watched you sleep once,thinks it's his job to.

• he worships you,does anything for you,cant take care of himself half the time.

• has a little schedule of what you do every day so he can find a way to be part of it.

•will fight for you,easily,hes somehow good at fighting.

•is a bit manipulative,threatened to hurt himself once since you wanted to go on a week long trip with one of ur friends,you didn't go.

• lays on you when you try to leave to make you stay.

•not very dominant,very gentle and sweet when it comes to you

• almost killed ur bullies but was stopped bc they moved so he just made sure they dont bully you again.

•you HAVE to take care of him half the time.

• loves how you dont care how he is.

•you stay at his house almost everyday,his parents dont really care tbh.

•killed ur dad. Seriously when you told him your dad was terrible he killed him and never got caught.

•da end 


Word count: 238

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