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Evelyn walked out to her lovely countryside, and sat on the short green grass, which she complains pokes her butt, in front of the crystal clear pond. Nobody thought that on a gorgeous day like this, something dreadful would happen. Except for her. She knew, as her father did, and his father, and so on. Today was the day she left her countryside to become a woman of great priority on New Earth. A maid ran to Evelyn, almost tripping over rocks and roots alike. Evelyn sensed her presence almost immediately, and turned just as the maid stopped in front of her. "My lady," the maid said, "it is time for the ceremony of the century. Please gather yourself and come with me back to the cottage at once." Evelyn stood up, dusted her butt and front, then smiled at the maid known to her as Reb, Reb for short. Why I have to entertain these hypocrites, I don't know; might as well pretend I'm having fun, though, she thought.

Evelyn ran past Rebecca, past the large tree that shaded the pond below, to what she thought was freedom. As she rolled down one hill and ran up another, she was met with a familiar sight: all the guards blocking the way to her secret (maybe not-so-secret) tunnel. "Evelyn, we cannot allow such behavior to go on on a day like this. Please, come with us." The guard who spoke looked her in the eyes, as if she was a bull yet to be tamed by the fierce color of blood on fabric. She looked to her feet, watching as she kicked up dusty brown dirt from the ground. "I apologize," she said. "Apologize for what?" "For this." She put her hands on top of the epaulettes of a soldier, jumping up over his head and landing what would be a perfect 15 in gymnastics behind him. The guards began screaming, yelling, panicking, and the like as Evelyn only got farther away from them by sprinting. As she went by, the dirt was kicked up, and the grass blades flew her way. The tunnel was so close, so close, to the point she could walk for it if she truly wanted to, yet...she didn't. Almost there, was all she could think. Until......swish! She slid into the tunnel, passing through at what seemed an inhuman speed. She clunked out of there 30 seconds later, staring in awe at a world of her own.

This was her utopia. Evelyn stood up and look up as high as her neck would let her, watching the murder of crows in the pine trees, listening to the peck of woodpeckers looking for a mate, and at the glow worms which hung from above. She began walking towards the middle of the utopia, animals peeking out as she walked past their homes. Skunks, porcupine, skinks, snakes, and mice were of the few species found around her. As they poked their heads out to greet the new visitor, she smiled. "Hello little ones," she said quietly and calmly. This 16 year-old had a parade of animals following her, and she didn't know the difference between them being there or not. Any other teenager would have screamed, ran, cried, cuddled, or been afraid of them, but not her. No, this princess was capable of much greater things, including being the one to save everyone in a time of need. As she reached a clearing, a few porcupines put together a wood chair for her to sit on, along with a rose-and-thorn crown. "Thank you, Fred and Jacob." Although scary, the girl knew who these animals really were for their inside personality, not the personality given to them by humanity.

Evelyn sat down, and smiled at her 'subjects.' "We are gathered here today to unite two beautiful skunks, Nettie and Ruth." As she said their names, two lovely female skunks appeared from behind a bush, each with a tiny flower crown. "Nettie, squeak if you wish to love Ruth through thick and thin, in times of need, in sickness and health, for all eternity?" Nettie looked at Evelyn and squeaked, with a hint of pride. "And do you, Ruth, squeak for the same?" Ruth looked at Nettie and squeaked loud and clearly. "I am proud to officially announce you as wives. You may kis-" before she could finish, the two skunks kissed and put their tails up, spraying the trees and clearing. Evelyn smiled before hugging them, and after which waved them off. When she came back to her chair, however, she was shocked to find a boy sitting there, humming quietly.

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