Will Byers x female reader pt . 1

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Your boyfriend, Will came out the upside down 3 weeks ago. Today is his exorcism and your very scared. As your riding in the car with Joyce on the way to the cabin, Will suddenly opens his eyes looking around nervously. He spots you and his eyes soften. He lays his head on your lap and you get butterfly's in your stomach. You play with his hair as you arrive to the cabin. Joyce and Hopper unpacks inside and take Will as your still in the car nervously panicking. "When if it doesn't work" you ask yourself as you nervously wonder, fidgeting with your fingers. Suddenly you hear a knock on the window and it's Nancy. "Hey Y/N it's time" she spits out , nervous herself. You get the courage to get out the car and walk to the cabin. As you walk in you see Will asleep on a floor - mattress. Also heat fans and candles, there's also some chairs in the back and in the front near Will. "Hey Y/N can you sit up here?" Joyce says as she pats the chair beside her. You nervously walk up to the, chair sitting in it. You look at Will as he just looks lifeless. You feel a tear but you hold it back. "It's time" Joyce said as she turned and all the heaters and lit the candle, While Jonathan chains Will up. Suddenly, Will woke up smelling fire as Jonathan and Joyce walked away. You walk up grabbing a piece of squid from the upside down and flipping it upside down grabbing a lighter. "Once he comes in he can't come out." You mumble as you burn the page that worships the mind flayer. Wills face changes really fast. He starts screaming repeatedly saying, "ITS BURNS!" . Tears stream down your face as you see Will in so much pain. You faint from being nervous too hard and scared a little too hard. You wake up as the exorcism is over and everyone is gone. They rented the cabin so you and Will can sleep there. You look around and see Will hugging you from behind sleeping as you kiss his forehead going back to sleep. Before you could go back to sleep he nuzzles into your shoulders, giving you a thank you without words. You smile, actually going to sleep this time.

                                                        GOODNIGHT 🌙

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2022 ⏰

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