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When you are in doubt, sometimes destiny do its own way to play with us. It was as if we played a game where we don't really understand the rules or why we are even in that game. It was always confusing, always overwhelming. In general, that's what life is. That's how my life is.

The thoughts swirling right inside my head are like buzzing bees working on to continue to confuse me. It was never clear, always with questions of why and what if.

I grew up in a wealthy family- though I am not the one who is rich but my parents. I never really liked the idea of statuses, and inequality, thus I decided to leave home when I graduated college from the university and course of my parents choice. The last thing I recalled before I left home was a disappointed voice from my mother pleading for me not to go.

"Please, Priam, you don't have to leave. We know we forced you into taking that business course, but please we just did that for your own good, for your future. If you pursue being a writer, you'll never be rich nor happy".

I shot a glare at her, holding the emotions trying to escape my chest. I tightened the grip on my backpack before saying
"I'll be happier away from your unreasonable expectations, and that'll be better."

I left home, and started living in a small town in Batangas.

That's the best decision I ever made in my entire existence. Being able to stand for what I want and what I believe. It was the happiest and scariest day of my life. There have been so many first times I have encountered, though my heart was racing so fast, I know it was excitement that gives me the chills, it was definitely that facile and accomplished feeling inside me. I was a winner. I won.

As I dropped myself off the van in SM Lipa, I breathed out looking around. It was like a normal city, but the breeze was quite different- I could breathe here, I could live here like a normal 21 year old should.

One of my college friends offered me to stay at their place while I was looking for a permanent apartment to live in. I was fine with it- I wouldn't complain anyway since it was better than living in a total hell where I actually came from.

This is my new life and I will live it the best I can!

~To be Continued~

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2022 ⏰

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