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After I showered I headed downstairs

"Hey i made you breakfast but you better hurry or you will lose you flight!" My mom said
"Yeah I know!"I responded while stuffing my mouth with my breakfast,

"C'mon I already put all of your luggage in the car" mom said "okay then let's go" we got in the car and started driving at the airport.

At the airport

We arrived at the airport and did all the checks up and headed at my gate and sat on the chairs,"now were boarding the passengers for the flight Italy to Los Angeles"the hostess said
"Well I gotta go bye mom I'll miss you,it's going to be hard to be without you for 5 months"i said giggling
"Yeah I'll miss you to now go before you really miss you flight"my mom responded
"Yeah" I said laughing while heading to the gate.

We boarded on the plane and we were about to fly off and I was already sweating until I heard the woman next to me
Saying "calm down here take these earphones" while handing them to me
"Thanks" I said shyly.



Me and the rest of the cast
were going to pick up the new Italian castmate Ambra such a cute name,anyways we arrived  and in my hand I had a paper and on it there was the name  'Anbra' I even think they spelled it wrong but nevermind then we  waited .

Y/n's POV

We landed and I got my luggage and I was heading near the exit.
I looked around for a sheet with my name on it after one second I saw a group of teenagers and two adults with a sheet that said 'Anbra' they even spelled my name wrong but I just shrugged it off and started heading towards them.



I wasn't paying attention to what the rest of the cast was saying until I saw this very cute girl approaching us.
"Hi I'm Ambra and it'spelled A M B R A "she said in her Italian accent "oh shoot were so sorry" Dana said apologizing "no worries"she responded giggling.

God these giggles I could listen to them all day and her
Brown silk hair with her grey with a mix of green I could stare at them the whole day(if you aren't like I describe the forget what I just said)
No havan you just meeted her
You can't like her right,but I got slapped into reality when I heard someone say

"havan introduce yourself "
"Oh yeah sorrey I zoned out by the way I'm Havan, Havan Flores"
"Oh nice to meet you I'm Ambra Luhan"
"Well guys I think we should start to get going" Michael said.



"So tell us about your life A M B R A right?" Cooper asked
"Yeah it's right" she responded
"Anyways my parents are divorced and me and my mom moved to italy when I was 3  and I am supposed to have a twin brother but I don't know anything about him."
"Cool we could help you find your brother" Terrence said
"Yeah" everyone agreed.

Author out ♤
Do you like the story I hope so

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