1: The Tenhi Clan

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Sasuke was killed. Infront of Naruto & Sakura. Sakura cried she was mad. But she was also sad. How could the person she loved so much die? Naruto was angry, he was mad, he was sad, and he was in despair. Naruto had went rogue, the nine tails chakra had went out of control. The nine tails was in control, destroying everything and everyone around him. He had killed Orochimaru right then and there. Naruto cried as he held his teammates body who was unconscious. Dead. Naruto's strength was way to powerful, no one could control him. He was destroying everything insight. It took a whole lot of people, convincing , fighting , & the truth for Naruto to calm down. They couldn't just let him go, he would find out about Sasuke's death again. He'd go rogue. So they locked Naruto up in a cell under the Hokages Office. Everyone was in despair as they heard the Kyuubi's and Naruto's sad whimpers and wales for the young Uchiha. They couldn't stand it, it was like a broken melody that needed that person to stop that broken melody.

Itachi found out about his brothers death. He swore he would kill himself for letting his brother die and not being able to protect him. He broke his promise. He felt his whole world was gone. Only Obito, was there to help him. Obito felt slight sympathy for Itachi and the kid. As the kid was his cousin. Though, they never met or talked, it was obvious that Obito was hiding his emotions behind his mask. Itachi became more angrier? He had unlocked the mangyekoū sharingan. One Obito had never seen before. Obito kept this awaking to himself. Itachi felt his emotions die. He felt like he couldn't protect the only family he had left. That he particularly didn't kill. He spared his little brother so he could live and become stronger. Not for him to die. The Akatsuki recently found out about Uchiha Sasuke's death, finally realizing it was Itachi's brother. They heard that Naruto , The Nine Tails Jinchuruki had killed Orochimaru on the spot. He was in a cell, from words from the Hokages, The Kyuubi absertly wanted the Uchiha back. It didn't make since to the Akatsuki. Before a theory from Obito that, Sasuke was probably the first thing Kyuubi laid his eyes on. Motioning to the kiss they shared, it was pretty obvious that the Kyuubi would want Sasuke to carry it's beast of a baby. Itachi clenched his fists the whole way through the theory. Feeling such madness at the Kyuubi for thinking of his brother in that type of way. It kind of did make since to the Akatsuki now. All they needed to do was trick Naruto into joining them. They would use Uchiha Sasuke as a way to getting Naruto to join. They would just have to put their plan in motion.

- Long Ago , 600 years B.C (Before Common Era) -

Long ago, The Tenhi Clan existed. They were the most strongest clans ever. They placed in the Top #5 , being on #1. The Tenhi Clan was feared. Their last names meant Heavenly Fire. Which means they were both good and bad. The were found by Hagaromo's Father. They were already strong when he found them. The leader had the power level of 6.5M. They were brought to existence in the later years. The Leader, Azin, fought both Hashirama Senju & Tobirama Senju. Easily beating them. They had a bet. Azin wanted his clan to be part of Konoha, he wanted the other clans to have piece with their clans. But the Senju brothers declined. Making sure to put facts in their reasonings. Which caused the bet itself. Azin won, so they're clan was apart of Konoha now. If one Tenhi Clan member walked by, they would freeze, they didn't talk or anything. They feared the Tenhi Clan. That was before the Uchiha's were introduced. The Uchiha's were the second fearest clans. Taking place after the Tenhi Clan. It was obvious that the Tenhi Clan had more potential than the Uchiha's did. But suddenly, members of the Tenhi Clan disappeared one by one, two by two , three by three and four by four. No one knew what happened to them. That was when their population died. Making the Uchiha the most feared clan. But only 2 Tenhi members were still alive. They lived somewhere deep by Sand Village. Those two members were , Nora Tenhi and her husband , Yu Win Tenhi. They had a child before they died off. Known as Nina Tenhi. The reincarnation of Uchiha Sasuke. Sasuke knew he was in the body of a female. His voice was different and his feelings was different. 12 years of living in his new body, he got used to being recognized as a girl. He was the only one who knew he was a boy deep down. He wasn't trans or anything. Just his soul, was a guy. Nina had found out that Naruto had became a villain. He was one of the youngest Akatsuki but was most feared and unable to be killed. His reasoning is simple, Uchiha Sasuke. Nina feels bad because she is the reason that Naruto became rogue. Now Nina has one goal. To find Naruto and tell him the truth.

Follow her journey while she runs through different obstacles, romance , broken bonds , & the path of life.

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