Movie night

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A/N helloo I hope to get this out in a day or two but enjoy fluff maybe even some fluff with rain . You will have to find out ;)

Y/N pov few hours after last chapter

I hear knocking on my door i groan I had passed out a bit ago but mother fucker I'm still tired. Damn I got my mask and put it on. I answer the door a moment later it was rain oh rain focus Y/N this might be important. He says "hey Y/N we're doing a movie night wanna join" I say "of course I would love to" he starts walking and I follow he asks "Y/N do you like any of us Cyrus and sunshine want to know" ok I'm asking them about that later but for now "no I don't like any one to be completely honest with you rain sorry if that disappoints you" I say in a teasing tone I just lied to rain tho. I feel bad now I look at rain he's in front of me waking I swear is I could just talk to him more "the question rain is do you like any one" I say clear anticipation in my voice. He looked back at me all most going to a halt in walking "maybe Y/N you don't know if it's you maybe no one you'll never know" he was clearly teasing me like you bitch just answer me truthfully . I can't be mad at him never mind as we reach the common rooms Cyrus runs up to me "Y/N YAY YOU CAME" I nod saying "yes I did but rain asked me if I liked any one saying you told him to ask for you" she says "no I didn't I see he's to shy it's so clear you like each other" rain gasped and said "fine you caught me" clear as day he liked me . That was a huge shock I look over at him "so you like me hmm?" He looks so oh my Satan how gay can I be. He just says "maybe we'll never know" I swear he's such a tease I'll build up to ask him out one day but for I'm gonna tease him so hard. I sit on the couch by Cyrus and others.

Rain pov:

I go to sit by Y/N to be a fucking tease just like him. I put my head on Y/N's shoulder I was tired any ways . I can hear Cyrus snickering I look at her staring daggers in to her she gets the message a moment later. Oh Y/N the boy of my dreams handsome even if he's a demon that used to be human he's still great. His hair his eyes it's all Handsome to me . God I sound so god damn gay it's fucking funny to me I notice Y/N's tail over mine. He clearly hadn't noticed he had done that why is he do gay ok I can't insult him... yet I need to know him more I realize the others are arguing over what to watch dew and Y/N scream "HORROR MOIVES PLEASEEE" I chuckle at that one it's funny to watch them . I look about to see what's happening being smaller than Y/N did not help. I look to see they chose a horror movie I keep zoning out it's not uncommon for me tho.

Time skip to end of the movie you choose what movie they watched Y/N pov:

I notice rain on my shoulder just now how fucking oblivious am I. Rain gets up and says "I'm tired I'm going to bed" "me to" I say and follow him he says "Y/N your a tease you clearly like me " I laugh at his sentence "no I was just being a bitch and a tease" he turns around halting from walking ahead and walks to be in front of me enough to lean his four head on mind and he did so he grabbed my chin and said "you sure you don't like me" I swear he wants it out of me I say "no rain I do not like you in a romantic way" I swear I knew he could tell It was a lie he laughs for a second as he continues walking ahead of me he stops at his door and I stop at mine. He says "good night Y/N" I hear a stupid little giggle of dew I look back at him mountains phone in hand saying "YOUR SO FUCKING GAY" mountain and the others behind him well Swiss and the ghouletts I swear to fucking Satan I sprint dew looks shocked as I jump on him and take the phone and say "I'm deleting that you little shit" dew shot back "if you weren't so god damn tall I could stop you" I said "done the video Is gone" the ghouletts laughed about how mad dew. I just say "I'm going in my room now". And I walk to my room I forgot the bathroom existed how nice I walked in after getting clean cloths to put on after I had showered. I got in the shower keeping it hot as shit because that's how I like to shower . I get out and get dressed fast and realized I had let my glamour go whatever I'm going to bed I got the phone of the desk it was set up how nice it had papa and rain in and a text from rain saying "thought I'd add my number ;)" I started laughing so hard it was funny I stoped and just started scrolling and passed out a bit later.

A/N funny thing I'm getting writers block but I'll try and I hope you guys know I can see what reading lists you put this on I find it funny but ya enjoy this content for once and I'm trying but school family and shit like that is stoping me from writing sometimes

Word count 1007

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