work, hobbies and society

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spit it out of yourself
cmon theres nothing to fear
may the assholes and idiots speak their thruths and for good
listen as they murmur and curse under their breaths in agony of world creation and submission
in world anger and dispute which leads to nothing but broken bones and depressed children
in mothers wombs
staggering already
destined already in owned lifetimes they will have a role in the play
as a stone of stepping for another hero with dreams born of lust
lust lust lust
lost now, conspicuously unseen
in those that begged on their swollen of prayer to gods and fathers knees
for it the most of the mankind
landing on a fate of frantic crazy thoughts of suicide sex and none freewill
utterly destroyed by seeked enlightment through the enlightments impossibilty or rather its form of highness
only achievable with sparkling and shine
driven all mad in each of one's respected area even of the sanest of people falling unreachably
the fools whose minds never withdrawing in chaos written, shouted, cried they put all their ambitions
into creation creative crated prisons
painted prisions by them

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