First Day

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Rainbow Dash's POV

Yawn, what time is it? I reached over and pulled the very smashed clock. It beeped 7:45 AM What the heck? I never wake up this early. Oh Ugh it's Monday first day back at school yay! (Note sarcasm) I groaned and pulled the bedsheets off my bed. "Ow!" I landed face first on the floor. Dirty clothes and my soccer ball were on the floor Note to self: clean room. 

 Sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Rainbow Dash the most amazing and awesome girl of all time! Sup. Im such a good athlete I'm awesome especially in soccer, and I'm practically the captain of every single team at CHS I guess you can call me a soccer queen.I'm not the type of girl who gets all lovey-dovey about boys. Eww (that's Rarity)It's usually the opposite boys fall head over heels for me, which annoys me the most because I have to deal with non-stop flirting at least once a day, plus I get millions of love letters every Valentines day. Ugh just thinking of it makes me sick. Anyways I got up showered and put my super cool clothes on a white tank top, loose ripped jeans, black shoes and a black jacket. I looked in the mirror and decided to do leave my hair as it was. 

"Honey are you up?" 

Mum was calling me, before I went out the door I glanced out the window and saw moving trucks. Hmmm must be new neighbours we hadn't had new neighbours in a while after I scared them by playing my electric guitar in the garage. 

"Morning Mum" I smiled as I sat down at the kitchen bench eagerly eating my toast. 

"Do something about your hair will you?" My mum put her hands on her hips. She looked cross. I shrugged. She shook her head as if making up her mind. 

"Rainbow Dash let me do your hair."

"No! I'm happy the way it is" I wasn't lying there if it was messy no one (Zepher Breeze) will look at me like they have a crush or something.  

"Rainbowbella Margaret Dash Let me do your hair NOW!" Ok now she was really cross she used my whole name. 

"Fine" I huffed. I ran upstairs using my geo and got a brush and hair tie. 


"Mum why do Ow! You have to Ow! Do this Ow! Mum your hurting me!" Ugh I should have never agreed. I finally wake up early and this has to ruin it. This is torture. 

"And done! You can go now." She looked very proud of herself. I looked in the mirror and saw that she had done a beautifully braided side plait. She left my bangs out and I looked gorgeous. Like always. 

"Thanks mum I got to go now. Bye!" I glanced at my watch 8:20 AM. Shit I only had 10 minutes to get to school. It's ok I can speed walk and plus it's Monday so Math doesn't start until 8:40. Still on time.

I arrived at school and I glanced at my watch 8:22 and there was a whole heap of girls surrounding someone. Strange. I was about to get closer when a certain purple haired girl came up to me. 

"Hi Rares! What's all the commotion about?" She looked shocked.

"Oh darling haven't you heard? Soarin Skies is coming to CHS!" She looked at me with shining eyes. 

"Ummm ok" I didn't know who she was talking about. She knows I don't follow any celebrity's  "What's your first lesson?"

"Math. Don't change the subject. Please don't tell me you don't know who Soarin Skies is?"

"Ok I won't" I smirked and looked at her while crossing my arms. She looked at me her eyes wide as she shook my shoulders hard. 

"You don't know who Soarin Skies Is?!"

"Rarity stop! And No I don't"

She calmed her self down and said "Ok. Well he is a celebrity and Super Model for Teen Magazine! He is so hot!" I scrunched up my nose. He probably has a million fan girls who want to be his girlfriend including Rarity. imagine that. Eww. We walked through the crowd discussing if sport was better than Fashion when I over heard  girls fan-girling him saying things like:

Learning to Love (Soarindash fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora