episode 1 - map b**ch

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everyone is at school and your talking to missy and holding hands with ant while he's talking to dusty and spider.

"OI! there's a fully gacked s*x map in the old stairwell! it's called the incest map!" a girl called from the playground.

everyone runs to the stairwell to find the incest map.

"holy shit" you say holding ant's hand. "what in kids helpline" darren says.

"everyone who's fucked everyone" ant says.

your looking at the map and you see a line between ant and greta's name. "you fucked greta bathgate? what the fuck is wrong with you, ant?" you say letting go of his hand and walking down the stairs. "wait, jaz!" he calls out to you and follows you down the stairs. "nah i need space, man."

everyone goes to the hall for a year meeting. "it's mostly kids from our year level, it must be someone we know" quinni says to darren. "it's probably spider or one of those idiots" darren snaps back. "most of its bullshit anyway" he continues. "was greta bullshit?" you say to ant as he rolls his eyes.

"i am a woke woman. i enjoy s*x as much as the next person. but reputation is everything and this map has jeopardised your reputations and the reputation of our school. and on the first day back. we are currently in the process of contacting all the parents of everyone on this map and have strongly suggested that there are to be no more parties, shindigs or gathos." mrs woodsy announces.

everyone groans. "hey! hey! unsupervised parties equals alcohol. alcohol equals poor choices. the risk taking behaviours outlined on this map are unacceptable. hartley high prides itself on being a safe environment. but clearly this is a wake up call that we are not doing enough. oh, and we will find out who did this. get to class." mrs woodsy finally finishes and everyone gets up to walk to class.

"jaz, wait. it was when we were on a break" ant calls out to you but you ignore him and walk away. "forget about her" spider says and he pulls ant away.

"harp! where have you been? firstly, you hair. extreme, but i love. secondly, woodsy knows. i didn't tell her about you, so you don't need to worry." amerie says to harper. "i'm not worried." harper says to amerie. "thirdly, dusty spoke to me so we're pretty much dating..." harper slaps ameries hand away
"i dont give a shit." harper snaps back at amerie.

"what's up with you? hello. don't you hear me? i took the fall for you."
"i didn't ask you to do that."
"shut up your my best mate"
"not anymore"
"dude what are you talking about"
"fuck off, amerie!"
"ok, harper, i don't get it."
"of course you don't."
"well then tell me!"
harper pushes amerie.
"i said get off me! i'm fucking done with you!"
she punches amerie and a fight breaks out between them in the hall. everyone circles them as they fight.

after the fight amerie ends up in the nurses office. when she comes out everyone is staring at her. "why'd she do it. crazy bitch" spider says to ant. "my mums gonna kill me cause of her"

"oi, sash!" amerie calls out to sasha as everyone is still staring at her. "so you've picked her side"
"are you kidding me? dude, everyone's pissed. you broke people up. you broke ant and jaz up. they've been having s*x since they were 14. you outed people. and now all of that work missy and i did to stay friends after we broke up, that's fucked. doesn't mean anything now, because-" amerie cuts sasha off. "harper did the map too!"
"you know it really shits me when people can't own up to their own actions. look, i hope your ok. i really do. but, that map is real dog, man. and i just think you need to do some work on yourself. like, away from us." sasha finishes by walking away.

"will the following students please meet at classroom 5D" mrs woodsy says on the loudspeaker. "amerie wadia, harper mclean, sasha so, missy beckett, dustin reid, spencer white, anthony vaughn, jaz miller, darren rivers, quinn gallagher-jones, douglas piggot, malakai mitchell." everyone goes to classroom 5D.

"welcome, welcome."
"ok. settle down, thank you" mrs woodsy announces to the class. "hi everyone. i'm miss josephine obah, but you can call me jojo. kind of like, yo yo, but j. uhm i'm an english teacher, so i know some of you. but i'm are your all wondering why your here. well, your names were on the map in the stairwell. you know, ther one that's out of bounds. we know a lot of you are sexually active, but we're concerned this map demonstrates a real lack of respect for one another when it comes to sexual relationships. so we wanna address it head on. this is a special class that aims to give you clear and accessible information about s*x intimacy"
"a sexual literacy tutorial" mrs woodsy interrupts.
"SLT. so we're sluts?" you say as everyone laughs and chants "sluts".
"ok that's enough. that's enough. come on, everyone. this class will go back to the basics on s*x and relations-"
"because clearly, you all have a lot to learn in that department." mrs woodsy cuts joio off again.
"it'll happen twice a week, in your own time."
the class groans. "thanks map bitch" you say. "yeah, thanks map bitch!" spider yells fromt he other side of the classroom. "until we judge that you start to respect each other and yourselves. and you've got to attend every class or it'll go on your permanent record." miss obah finishes. "wait we have permanent records?" ant asks. "this is s*x jail!" missy says.

"alright everyone up! up up up up up up up! okay, now clear these tables to the side, please. and lift them, don't scrape them along the floor. thank you. now, i want you all to start walking around the room. come on. walking, walking. good, you know how to walk. now i want you to choose three other people to start shaking hands with. good, you know how to shake. stop. spencer. you have genital crabs." everyone laughs. "not in real life, thank you." miss woodsy continues. "now. hands up, who shook hands with spencer. and who shook hands with them? and them? and them. you all have genital crabs. except for you, amerie. well done. now what does this highlight the need for?"
"uh, to stay away from spider cause he's chat" cash says.
"fuck off, guys" spider says annoyed.
"no! condoms!"

everyone leaves. ant runs after you on the playground. "jaz can we just talk? please." he asks following you as your walking away. "nah, i'm ok." you say walking out of the school. "it wasn't-" you cut off ant. "we were never on a break! it was when we were dating. it's fucked up! i'm done." you walk out of the school.

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