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Little girl
in the bathroom stall.
Scared of her own religion,
that's all.
A woman said:
"To Hell with you!"
Now the little girl
is mad and scared too.
She's cut her skin.
She's scared she can't die.
Pain has conquered all for her,
she just wants to say "Goodbye."
One day she couldn't handle it.
She took out a blood-stained knife,
to cut her own skin
and take away her life.
But along came a memory
of a boy whom she loved dear.
She knew she couldn't hurt him,
so she hid away her fear.
Day by day,
her life just fades.
Until one day it happens again,
and all can do is bade.
She cuts. She screams
"I've given up this fight!"
There is no hope for her.
"I have no might!"
So the little girl
in the stall
just keeps on typing,
as Church Service happens down the hall.
"Credits from~ A collection of the dying words."

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