Chapter 1:

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A/n: first chappie guys I'm super excited!! Enjoy!!



War is a terrible thing. It splits families, ruins relationships,and had the ability to steal loved ones in the blink of an eye.

It left major wounds on people physically, emotionally, and mentally. It was never an easy subject. Things like PSTD and flashbacks always reminded you, just when you began to forget.

Hi I'm Charlotte and this is my story. I'm eighty two years old and I want to take you back and share my story.

1931 (ten year old Charlotte)

"Charlotte, honey stop running in the dirt. It's almost supper and I will not have you coming to this table looking like a mess!" My nana shouted to me slamming the screen door.

"Yes nana!" I shouted back. I got out of the mud and hugged my best friend goodbye. Her name was Rosa. She had long blonde messy hair and bright blue eyes. She was super loud and stubborn. We have been best friends since birth. And are exactly 2 months apart.

"Bye Charlotte, I hope we can play tomorrow!" As she hugged me and bolted home. We were making mud pies and got a little carried away. My blue dress was smeared with mud, and I knew nana would be very upset.

I hopped up the wooden creaky steps of my porch humming quietly. My mom and dad were out tonight with some friends, and left my nana to watch me. She migrated here from Italy and gave birth to my dad. My papa died when I was two years old, so I don't remember him much.

I opened the screen door and immediately my senses were filled with delicious smelling food.

"Charlotte, go change out of that dress right now. You're lucky your mama isn't here to see how messy you look." She scolded me.

Nana had brown hair that was striped with silver pieces. Wrinkles and signs of old age were becoming more apparent on her face. She was and still is an Italian beauty. Wiping her hands on her apron, she grabbed a rolling pin and vigorously rolled out dough. Flour was everywhere in the kitchen.

Listening to nana I changed into a crisp periwinkle dress and washed my hands and face. Still humming my tune I skipped down the steps. Stopping in my tracks, I heard sirens. Looking out the window a police car pulled into our driveway. Running over to nana, I tried to ask what was wrong. She just pushed me out of the way gently, and walked over to the door.

"Are you Katrina Fairfield?" The officer questioned.

"Why yes I am, is there anything the matter?" She said furrowing her eyebrows.

"I'm here to inform you that your son and his wife have been in an automobile accident. And have been checked into St. George's hospital." He said.

Nana covered her mouth and tears formed in her eyes. She looked at me and then hugged me, whispering Italian comfort words in my ears. I was just shocked.

I stood there staring into the distance as my nana sobbed. We went in our car and nana raced over to the hospital. My brain couldn't register, until we entered there room.

They were side by side as doctors raced around. We were placed in the waiting room and a surgeon came in five minutes later.

"I-I did the best I could. I'm sorry for your loss." he said with a voice full of sorrow.

I lost it right there and then. My childhood and happiness.

"Bellisima, wake up today is your first day of senior year!" My nana pulled my white curtains open and the morning sun blinded me momentarily. I rolled over and stuffed my face under my pillow groaning.

"Charlotte if u don't get up, you will miss the breakfast I made you." Nana stood with her hands in fists on her hips. I ignored her. She ripped my comforter back and mumbled in Italian, about how I was lazy.

"Okay nana I'm up. My goodness." I complained. I set my feet on the ground and wrapped my silk bathrobe around my body. Walking over to my vanity, I sat down on the plush seat and began doing my makeup.

I applied some powder on my face with a light blush. I put on a little mascara, and my signature look of a blood red lipstick. I walked over to my wardrobe and took a white dress that went mid calf and slipped it on. I tightened the white belt around my stomach and put stockings on. I slipped on my little red heels and started taking my curlers out. Sticking the Bobbi pins in my mouth, I squinted outside. I ran my fingers through the curls lightly and put it in a neat high ponytail. To top it off I wrapped ribbon around the ponytail, and made a bow.

"Charlotte! Come eat your breakfast!" My nana yelled.

I grabbed my books and slid down the banister of my staircase. Nana hated when I did that, but it was fun.

I walked in to the kitchen and she made me an Italian pastry with a glass of freshly squeezed orang juice. I ate quickly, and kiss my nana on the cheek.

She hugged me tightly and whispered how proud I made her. She released me and I ran out the front door.

I was greeted by Rosa in a hug and she started chatting immediately. She wore a baby pink dress that hugged her slim figure. Her curly blonde hair bobbed around her face as we walked on the sidewalk.

"After school today, Johnny is taking me to Danny's Ice Cream Shop. He is bringing along a friend, can you please join us so he won't be alone?" She pleaded, already knowing the answer.

I stared at her with a knowing look and said no thank you quietly.

"Charlotte," she pleaded " it will be fun, come on you never go out. If you just tried to live-"

I cut her off shaking my head.

"Rosa, I don't want to. Boys act piggish and I have to help my nana out." I sighed.

She rolled her eyes playfully and chomped on her bright pink bubble gum.

"Okay, but definitely next time. You need to live a little." She grabbed my hand and dragged me into the school doors.

Okay first chapter.

Comment and vote babes!!

Stay lovely, Anna

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