2.The Plan

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"I'll see you outside? I gotta inform my friend I'm heading home, and can't have dinner with him."

"Canceling dinner plans for me," he said, smirking.

"I just canceled a dinner plan with a friend, not a date like someone I know did." she said, showing off her own smirk.

"Okay, okay" he raised his hands in surrender.


He sat there waiting for me to tell Mark. Realizing he was waiting for me, "You go on, I also have to go to the washroom, so...." I told him wanting to talk to Mark alone, without him around.

"Yea okay cool, I'll be waiting."

I nodded and went towards Mark.

"Hey Mark, umm...I gotta go.."

"At that hottie's place."

"Umm kind of something like that."

"Well this proves that you've broken up with that William guy."

"Something like that, yea." she said nodding.

"Is something like that your new favorite line Rose?"

"Oh god no, nothing like that."

"Yea something like that, Nothing like that." He teased her.

"Oh god stop Mark!" I said laughing.

"Fine, fine I won't waste your time I can see you are in a hurry." he said giving me a suggestive look.

I just rolled my eyes.

"Nothing like that Mark."

"Alright, alright see ya."

"Yupp, I will call you."

Saying this I moved to go on but I turned back to Mark. He stood in the same position as if he knew I was gonna turn back to him.

"Umm. I...should I maybe not do this?"

"And why not?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"I don't know, I have never done this, what if he is a criminal? And also I drove myself here, so what about my car."

"Do not worry about your car, I will take care of it. Come back tomorrow and pick it up. And if after having a passionate night with a hot stranger, you will come to know you slept with a criminal! A criminal! It would like make it all a hundred times hotter babe."

"Yea in a romance novel not in real life Mark." I deadpanned.

"True but I think you are only trying to make excuses, nothing more. See forget every thing, just enjoy, feel free, do whatever you want to do, without thinking the consequences let this be a carefree night for you."

"Easier said than done." She sighed.

"I have never done this before, I have always worried, I have always thought about the consequences and then did things, this is like so scary. It's like walking ahead with eyes closed."

"You do know that there are a lot of people who are blind, and they walk and do their daily tasks without any help, they do it by themselves."

"Uggh it's a different thing, they didn't suddenly become blind and even if they did then they didn't just start walking on the road by themselves, they first practised and then they went on their own."

"Rose, exactly what I'm trying to tell you! You can't just know how to do it without ever doing it, you have to do it at some point, you have to start at some point."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2022 ⏰

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