Preface Part 2

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I ran out of room in Part 1. That's how much energy I put into this book. It was too big for one part. I have once again girlbossed too close to the sun.


Blu is another one of the queens I just vibed with as soon as I saw her season. What can I say? I have a soft spot for the look queens. But Blu is much more than a look queen; she's a queen who makes you look. Not in a car-crash, can't-look-away, kind of way, but in a "this is very satisfying to my ADHD" way. She just does things that completely fascinate me, and that's a big determining factor for whether or not I choose someone to be a preference queen. So, here's the research I did after deciding she'd be one!

Blu,  Your season was the start of something new, or at least the restart of something I'd been hiding for years, for me and I don't know if words exist that describe how thankful I am to you and your castmates for setting that part of me loose on...

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Your season was the start of something new, or at least the restart of something I'd been hiding for years, for me and I don't know if words exist that describe how thankful I am to you and your castmates for setting that part of me loose onto the world. Also, when you said that your name was Blu Hydrangea, I had a flashback to my house in Milland, which had hydrangea bushes in the back garden, and I cried for 10 minutes. I was a bit all over the shop. Well, am. I am completely unhinged, and you only accelerated that. As such, Club 27 may have a few choice words for you, being, "why did you do this to us". That being said, as an individual, I connected to you because not only am I drawn to your aesthetic of drag, but also your general vibe. Watching you ranged from disturbing to very entertaining and when I found out via Twitter (because I didn't have a WOW+) that you won UK vs. The World, I thought, "that's my fuckin girl!". And now, you are one of my fuckin girls! Your position of 8th in the lineup has been home to Aquaria, Tatianna, Naomi and Gottmik. I think it appropriate that you're with them- I mean, the five of you are absolute legends in the Drag Race world and I'd say you've earned your place in the Drag Race fanfiction dumpster fire, too. Speaking of, I honestly think that this cast, including and especially you, are going to be the most fun since the first ones.
I'm ready if you are.


As I said in part 1 (my god, I can't believe I needed 2 parts), Vinegar means a lot to me. Not just the condiment, though that's pretty great. Vinegar's general vibe was one that reminded me of why I celebrated the favored half of my heritage when I felt it was safe to. I'd say that's a damn good reason to bring her along for the ride. Not to mention, again, she was lovely when I met her and had I ever been alone with her, I would've told her the same things I've told any other trusted person about the adult I was there with. Point being, she's one of many preference queens I'd pour my heart out to if she were interested, one I feel safe with. Anyway, before I cry even harder, here's the research.

 Anyway, before I cry even harder, here's the research

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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