engagements and baby's

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I don't have another option than to just keep living my life. I have two more months of school before I graduate. I've been to my gynaecologist and she gave me all types of folders and my first ultra sound. The baby is a month old and while laying down and watching the ultra sound I knew I could do it. I mean I've saved some money over the years and have just enough to rent a place after my graduation. With my law degree I can make a nice amount of money, but I will not be able to do an internship pregnant so I'll work several jobs to make some extra money for baby stuff. I know the first few months, years even, will be hard, but I also know that when I set my mind to something I can do it. Getting my degree is my first priority right now and I'll worry about money and baby stuff later. I still have time, right?

My first class after the weekend of finding out about my pregnancy goes pretty smoothly, I don't know why but for some reason I thought it would be different. While waiting for my next class to begin I went to a coffee shop on campus with Cole. 'How are you doing? You know with everything.' 'I am doing okay, I think. Thank you for not telling anyone.' Cole puts his arm around me. 'Of course, Jules. I'll always be there for you, even when you're being incredibly annoying.' I push him of me and pretend to be annoyed. 'Oh, shut up.' But I can't hide my smile. When I first heard that the university made a mistake and put me in a frat house I thought I would end up in a house with dicks, but after the first semester when I got the option to move to the normal dorms and decided to stay with them. They are like the brothers I've never had, especially Cole. He was the one I disliked the most in the beginning but turned out to be my favourite. Don't get me wrong I am happy when I can do things with my girl friends, being around guys all the time can get exhausting, but with them It feels like am with my family. Tyler walks up to us with his girlfriend and my best friend, Lily. I haven't told them about my pregnancy but I will soon. 'Hey girl, how are you.' Lily hugs me like she hasn't seen me in years. I laugh, I love her warm personality so much she can always bring a smile to my face. 'I am good and you, I feel like we haven't talked in forever.' She and Tyler went away for the weekend to go to some romantic inn. 'Well, we have some news.' Lily is smiling from ear to ear and Tyler is standing next to her with a proud look in his eyes. She shows me her left hand and a huge engagement ring catches my eye. 'We're engaged!' 'Omg you guys that's amazing.' I immediately stand up to hug them. 'I wish I could stay to celebrate but I have class. But we're going out to tonight. This is amazing news.'

I am walking to class with a truly happy feeling, But of course it couldn't last. I bump into a hard chest and while apologising I realise that it's Oliver. When he realises it's me he quickly tries to walk away. Angrily I run after him. ' What the fuck is you problem, Crowling. After everything you can't even look me in the eyes. Are you planning to avoid me forever?' His cheeks get flushed and he pulls me into an empty class room. 'Look I am sorry, okay. I just don't know what to say to you. You told me some pretty life changing information.' 'Ow did I, really. I had no idea. For me this is all just very easy and amazing.' I shout sarcastically. 'You know what, Oliver, you can just pretend that I never told you anything and ignore me, but I am going to keep the baby.' I storm off with tears of anger running down my cheeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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