Awakening of joy

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Even with all I had achieved here in New York I  always thought that I wasn't truly excited because I had given up on my childhood dream of becoming a lawyer. That was what my mum and I wanted but things don't always go as planned and she wasn't even in my life to celebrate my wins. My life had been so static for a business woman and entrepreneur I wake up at exactly six in the morning jog to the gym, spend three hours there , come back home to create content for my channel and instagram,  visit my shops and warehouses, come back home , take a shower, go to bed . That has been my routine since I can remember. For sometime I had been thinking of venturing into the sale of jewelry most importantly diamond jewelry . Xamora Diamond Corp. The most recommended diamond dealers around. I have always wanted to work with them but the fact that the boss is unknown is a problem for me. I have never been a risk taker but there was just something about the name or something that made me want to work with them. 'Confirmed' was written in a bold green on my laptop screen. I had appointment on Monday at their headquarters.
𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓼𝓴𝓲𝓹
I had my whole wardrobe laid out on my bed in search of the perfect outfit for what reason I don't know. I just felt the need to look my
best.  I decided to go natural with my makeup, I wore a two piece from fashinova , my red buttons not forgetting my favorites scents  Orphéon and Black Orchid from Tom ford and a baby pink birkin bag.  I have never felt as nervous as I felt as I was approaching the meeting room the receptionist directed me to on the twentieth floor of the building. When I entered the office there was ..... no one there. I waited for about twenty minutes during my wait I was wondering how with how tardy they are they were able to make it to the top of the rank with good ratings. When I had finally decided to leave " fist rule in handling diamonds is patience" before me stood a woman with the finest masculine build I had ever seen, a perfect tan, straight white teeth ,the  deepest green orbs I had ever seen. At this point my only thought was for her to pin me against the table and do what ever she pleased with my body.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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