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Sometimes when bells ring, my mind has me to think, am I hearing them sitting in a crowd annoyed or hearing them as an icecream seller approaching in summer? What sort of questions are these? It is said the youth age is such you have no regrets, even the mistakes you make you will look back one day and laugh and here I still cringe about the mistakes done as a kid. Does everything have a two way side to look upon? Can there be sorrows beginning only for happiness to come in end? In the end does everything entangle itself? Numerous times I answered myself yes! Probably everything that bad happens end only to turn good, for everytime I receive a new learning but....

There have been many times I have thought to end myself, my life, but the sweet little face of hope appears and I  stop, revaluate what could it's consequences be... Most of the time I think that I would have left this world with a big mess unsolved behind and I feel such an unpleasant death it would be for there would be no peace within me as I die =_=, yup quite funny here and then I think why do I have to care what people will think about the mess and then I go there again giving myself the advice why don't I apply this when I am alive rather dead O_o. And that's how a turmoil of overthinking stops.

Yes probably I feel bad about a lot of things that have either happened by fate to me or I would have made a fool out of myself in front of a crowd, embarrassed and would want to shrink myself to death but then I also can't neglect the love present around me, no matter how many tantrums I show my parents bear me for my every repeated mistake they forgive me, they strive to make a life for me, even if they scold they still console me and make me realise not all problems end at the solution of tears. A brother who hardly knows me but still won't hesitate to help me when I go to him, friends who know every bit of my life and still manage to keep my precious things to their heart whenever I ask. Finally the last footprint left by me my book! The mystery of writing such an intense book at the age of sixteen and launching it on a birthday very special, well the book is yet to get it's part of fame in college but still it's something I always look back and smile and won't regret it till my last breath.

And so maybe yes there are possibilities to choose our life the way we want, regrets might turn to memories and future will become the only pen, and what we write is the present. We all wish our book to be filled with pictures and colours, but a book without pain, twist and turns becomes borrowing. Hence there is every possibility.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2022 ⏰

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