Halloween costumes

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So I'm being Sarah from hocus pocus and my friends are being Winifred and mary! So I was thinking... What would the Ftrs crew be for Halloween?!

Gilly: what r y'all being for Halloween?

Ollie: a pirate

Jax : Ollie you've been that for the past 3 years 

Ollie: and I still don't see ur point

AG: what is Halloween

Gilly/Ollie: u don't know what Halloween is?

Jax: ofc she doesn't I didn't know until I went to Ftrs

Kayla: yeah only commoners really celebrate it

Ollie: that's just sad

After telling AG what Halloween is...

Gilly: so back to my question, what y'all being!

Jax: I think I might be a vampire this year

Kayla: uhh idk maybe a character from a movie or smt

Gilly: cool! Imma be witch from the new movie magic spells!

Mara and Maxine have entered the chat

Mara: what y'all talking abt

Kayla: Halloween costumes

Gilly: yeah what she said btw what are u being

Maxine: I'm being a zombie!

Mara: a black cat

Jax: cool

AG: guys I still need a costume idea

Mara: uhh ok how bout uhh oh a werewolf!

AG: u mean like wolfenton?

Mara: yea kinda

AG:sure why not!

Jocelyn entered the chat

Jocelyn: y'all are talking abt costumes?

Ollie: yea what u bein'?

Jocelyn: an illusionist

Kayla: a what?

Jocelyn: yk like harry hondi? 

Gilly: not really but I'm not gonna question it

 Jocelyn: smart move

Maxine: ooh we should meet up For trick or treating!

Kayla: omg yass

Gilly: sure but my brothers and sisters have to come then because I promised to take them trick or treating

Jax: np

Jocelyn: yk we should invite jack and Hailey

Jax: I don't love that idea

Jocelyn: what do u have against hailey?

Jax: its not Hailey im talking abt and u know it

Gilly: u really still don't like jack really?

Jax: he went behind our backs and was working with our enemy

Gilly: yes but he's changed

Jax: fineee 

Jax: He can come

Gilly/Jocelyn: yay

Ollie: Jocelyn why are u happy

Mara/AG: because she knows that Jax hates jack and she wants to start drama

Jocelyn: was it really that obvious?

Kayla: yes Ollie is just blind and could figure it out

Ollie: how rude

Mara: lol shes not wrong

Gilly: anyways where are we meeting up

Kayla: how abt my house fairies make the best candy

Maxine: ooh ok

Jax: I'll arrange carriages to pick you guys up and drive you to Kayla's house

Mara: ur correct grammar is killing me

Jax: oh well too bad

Mara: the disrespect

Maxine :  um ok lets not fight

Gilly: they weren't really- oh nvm

Kayla: so meet at mine and Jocelyn and then we can go to Gillys neighborhood and then Jax and then Ollie and then we'll end at Maxine

Jax: okay

Gilly: sure

After every one agreed 

Jack and Hailey entered the chat

Hailey: hey hey hey!

Jack: what's up?

Maxine: just talking abt Halloween costumes and how we all are going to meet up

Gilly: u guys can come if u want

Jack: Jax really said that I could come? I find that hard to believe

Jax: reluctantly yes

Jack: dang that surprising

Hailey: yea I bet he put up a fight abt it tho

Jax: I think you guys know me too well

Mara: true

Hailey: so what where you guys saying abt meeting up?

After explaining (I'm lazy deal with it)

Hailey: ooh cool ill come!

Jack: sounds like fun I'm in

And that is how our Halloween story begins if you want me to actually make a story tell me in the comments!


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