woah im lucky

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I went down to the beach to find sea shells at night  then I found a person on a ground it looked... Like a mermaid I did not think it was true I tried to wake her up she did not I got water from the sea and splashed her she started breathing I put her in my car with water I look at her she was so pretty I think she was a very pretty mermaid I got home I was happy I had a pool I put her in it she woke up she scremed I said  hey I saved you I won't tell anyone abt you it's fine she looked so nice she turned into a human she look amazing I think I like her her name was Alamance     she look at me and gave me a hug I blushed and said hey come inside its cold I gave her a blanket shef fell asleep in my arms It was so cute I put her in my bed and I slept on the couch the next day I woke her up and she slept in I went to go to class it was good i went home to go see her she was still sleeping I went to go to sleep I went to hug her and she kept me and said stay with me can you sleep with me please so I did she cuddled me all night then something happened she.. she kissed me on the cheek I did not know what to do so I kissed her on the lips she was so happy i kept on sleeping it was so magical

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