Chapter 1

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A girl named Ally used to have a  life with smile's and happiness not until.. her mom died in a car accident and her father blamed it on her after her mom's car accident her dad became alcoholic and blamed her..
She tried to raise herself and her father by working in a cafe just to feed her father and herself..
Ally never gave up on her father hoping he would be back to normal and there life will be back to the way it was a happy family.. but one day she decided to gave up she never thought she will have this responsibility and more coming..

She is walking with a bottle of alcohol she is heading to the bridge to try an end her misery..
she stood up crying making thoughts about jumping and ending it all..
but a boy was walking in her direction carrying a box to deliver and suddenly he saw her, she was gonna jump but the boy dropped the box and ran to her shouting "HEY STOP!" He caught her just in time when she was about to jump she said
"What did you do?! Don't you know how i want to end my misery so bad? I was gonna end it but you decided to ruin it for me!" With tears falling in her eyes  "miss? Can you calm down? I literally saved your life" he said "Oh really? Thank thanks for saving my life! I TOTALLY APPRECIATE IT!"
She said with a fake smile, "Ending your life is not a solution." He said "Oh if i must know." She said and starts to walk away from him

                            A few weeks later..

The boy is walking to a cafe and he saw the girl who tried to end her life a few weeks ago he went up to her to see if she still remembers him
"Hello sir what can i get for you?" She said without knowing who the boy was she smiled but yet you can see how tired she is just by looking at her eyes
"Hey uhm do you remember me?" The boy said asking the girl "Uhm have we met before sir?" She said cluelessly "Well.. im ethan the boy who saved your life a few weeks before glad your doing fine." With a smile in his face, the girl's smile slowly fade "Oh so your the boy who ruined my moment the special day i was gonna have by ending my misery life?" She said "Yes and you should be thankful to me because your here in the cafe working right now" he teasingly said "Just order what you want and leave me alone" she said "I will not leave you alone, miss if you did not know you also ruined my life by getting me fired from my job." He said "And what did i do?" She asked "Well i dropped the box i was supposed to deliver just to save your life so my boss fired me, so you should be thankful that i still saved your life!" He said "Alr? How much, I'll pay just for you to leave me alone" she said "Money is not my problem as a payment but i want you to be friends with me"
He said with a smile "No and don't worry i will pay you back soon, with money just give me time." She said "Oh please miss being friends with me is not that bad" He teasingly said "You sure? Just talking with you makes me wanna puke." She said
She left the counter as her co-worker switched with her.

                                     At home..

"Hey dad i bought food for you" she said nervously
"I don't want that, give me money i ran out of drinks" he said "Sorry I don't have money and please stop drinking alcohol!" She said "YOU JUST GOT A JOB AND NOW YOUR BEING STINGY JUST FOR A FEW MONEY?!" He shouted as the room became silence "STINGY? YOU TELL ME IM STINGY AFTER I TRIED TO RAISE YOU AND MYSELF? DAD STOP WITH YOUR HABITS AND CHANGE PLEASE! IM TIRED I WANNA GIVE UP!" She shouted while tears falling on her cheeks "YOU TALK BACK NOW?" He shouted and slapped her unexpectedly, She ran out of her house and find somewhere to stay for s bit

She sat there on the streets crying after she couldn't believed what had happen to her dad she still thought he could change.. But suddenly the boy who saved her life and from the cafe was walking in her direction again he saw her crying "Miss?" He said while handing her a towel to wipe her tears with "You again?" She stood up "Yes me again. And what's wrong?" He said "Nothing now leave me alone." Wiping her tears while trying to leave he suddenly hold her arm to stop her "Miss! Please wait im sorry about earlier in the cafe, just please stay and tell me what's wrong?" He said she stayed but she just sat there with tears and not wanting to talk
"Let me introduce myself.. im ethan, how about you?" He said "Im ally.." she said softly
"Nice name" he said while smiling at her.
"You know your not that bad after all" she said giving him a sweet smile "Well if im not that bad then will you be my friend?" He said smiling at her
"Sure" she said smiling..

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