Chapter 2

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Ally and ethan became best friends they became inseparable.. the more bond they get the more the ethan realize what he actually feels for ally..
"What if i ruin our friendship if I confess?" He said getting second thoughts..


                                    The park..

"Ethan!" Ally calling for ethan as she ran towards him, "Oh no what do i do.." Ethan said in his mind
As ally was running towards him she unexpectedly slipped on a rock ethan in the other and catched her as they looked eye to eye.. ethan looking nervously he helped ally up "Ouch!" Ally said "What's wrong?" Ethan asked "I think I sprained my ankle" ally said
"I'll take you to the nearest clinic" ethan said nervously as he helped ally walk "Ouch! I don't think I can make it to the clinic.." ally said ethan unexpectedly carried her until they reached the clinic "There the nurse will take care of you I have to go.. my boss uhm.. he called me, he said he needed my help" ethan nervously said as he lied just to get away from ally to stop his heart from beating fast..
"Ethan..? Are you avoiding me?" Ally asked "Uhm.. no totally not sorry ally but i really have to go my boss needs me.. hope your ankle gets better! Bye!" Ethan said as he ran away from ally "uhm.. okay! Bye!" Ally said "He's being weird.." ally said in her mind.

                           At ethans work place..

Ally decided to go to ethans work place as she wanted to hang out with him like other times.
"Hey ethan!" Ally shouted as she wave to ethan,
"Oh hi ally.. uhm what are you doing here?" He asked "Visiting you silly!" Ally said while giggling
"Oh well here I am, all fine! You can go now." As he said trying to avoid ally, "Ethan what is going on with you? Don't you remember before when i visit you these times? We go for lunch!" Ally said as her smile starts to slowly fade.. "Oh right sorry, just got busy from work and sorry again I can't come to lunch with you cause im still doing something maybe next time." He said trying to be cold hoping ally would leave him alone.. As ally felt the coldness in ethans voice she left without saying bye.. "What's wrong with him.. he was not like that before.." she said in her mind thinking what she did wrong..
Ethan feeling bad for what he did he and thought that him being cold and trying to avoid ally to hope that there friendship won't get ruined but he realized
avoiding her is ruining there friendship even more.

At the cafe..

Ally still can't think straight after what had happen earlier "Hi.. what can i get for you?" She said with a small smile as she is still confuse on what had happen to ethan

Hours passed..

"Finally my shift is done.. im so tired!" Ally said while walking home until unexpectedly ethan and ally saw each other while the stopped "oh no what do i do..!" Ethan said in his mind "Ethan.. can we talk?" Ally said with a tint of sadness in her voice "Sorry i have to go im doing something right now.. maybe next time ally.. bye!" He said trying to rush and leave
"Wait! Ethan.. tommorow.. 8pm I'll wait for you where we first met.." ally said as she starts to walk away..

At the bridge


"Oh he's not here maybe im just early" ally said still hoping ethan would show up.

Ethan hesitating to go as he is not ready for what is about to happen.


"Ethan is 20 minutes late.. he's not usually late.. what is happened with him.. did i do something wrong?" Ally said as she thought hard on thinking what she did wrong to ethan.

"What do i do it's already 8pm im late but I don't know if i should come.." ethan said hesitating to go.


"Where is ethan..? Did he forgot..? Or he just don't want to come.. but im still gonna wait for him" ally said still hoping ethan would come..


"He is still not here.." ally said with a worry tone.

"If i come what do i say to her.. i don't know what to say.." ethan said.


*No ethan*


*No ethan*


"I have to get this feeling off my chest.. the more i avoid ally the worst the situation gets." Ethan said as he run to the bridge where ally wanted to meet with him.


"I don't think ethan will come.." ally said with a disappointed tone, As ally was about to leave rain started to fall heavily.. she ran until..
"Ally wait!" Ethan said stopping ally from leaving, he ran to her, "Ethan what's wrong with you?! I waited for hours minutes! It even started to rain. Look at us we are all wet! Look if your mad at me tell and stop avoiding me! Im confuse i don't know what to think! So please tell me what is going on please!" Ally said with a mad tone as she said it ethan grabbed her and gave her a tight hug, "Ethan.." ally said confused on what's going on, "Ally it's not you the problem.. it's me i tried avoiding you to hope my feelings for you would be gone because I don't want this friendship to be ruined just because of my feelings.." ethan said
"What.." ally said speechless on what ethan just said,
"Yes ally i love you.. and in sorry if i avoided you and cost you so much confusion it's just.." ally kissed ethan.. "I love you too dummy.." ally said with a sweet smile.

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