(The Collins Mansion)
(3rd Person POV)

Noah is finally back in Neo's room after putting all the supplies in the pocket dimension that the earring holds. The older man sits on the bed next to his sleeping 'son'.

"Things should be different now, right?"

He asks the younger boy. After once again not getting any response, the man sighs taking his son's hand all while removing the earring that he had been wearing.

Noah pokes Neo's finger just enough for it to bleed a bit with the earring's pointed part. The boy's blood falls on the earring making it glow once again.

Unknown to most people, artifacts have a power to form pacts.
'Pacts', as we called them, were for the exclusive use of an artifact by a single person.
Just a drop of blood and the right activation will make the artifact bind itself to the blood's owner.

Noah proceeds to put the earring on Neo once he is done recalling the information.

"That should do it."

I have no use for the artifact.
It's better for Neo to have it.

Noah states before leaving the room.

(Neo's POV)

Once Noah leaves, the younger boy who was previously 'asleep' sits up immediately. His blue orbs slowly turning to red and the white part of his orbs turning black. The boy stares at his hand for a bit before speaking.

".... Different. What are you up to this time Noah?"

Neo wonders playing with his earring.

Atleast he doesn't seem like he means harm this time.....
Even if I still don't trust him, I guess I could listen to Frost this once.








Neo is in front of the mirror staring at himself, the eclipse is finally over and its a 'beautiful' morning with birds chirping 'happily'.









What now?

The boy thinks as he finds his 'father' looking around. Neo decides to sneak up right behind his 'dad'.

"Sir, is something the problem?"

Li questions.

"Li, have you seen Neo?"

Noah enquires to which Li just tilts her head.

"He just came up right behind you"

Li points at Neo as Noah turns his head towards the direction Li is pointing in.

"What do you want?"

Noah stares at Neo for a bit better patting his shoulder and head, making him turn around then slapping his back.

"Quit it!"

The boy just turns his head glaring at the man.

"What are you doing!?"

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