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07 : Hither and thither under the weather together

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07 : Hither and thither under the weather together.

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"Hey, girlie."

Ezra lifted her gaze from her book to glance at Serenity who was leisurely taking steps towards her with one hand tapping her left cheek. The gingerhead did not like the way her friend slurred her words.

"I've heard a rumor or two from one of my trusted sources."

Ezra pretended to hear nothing. Instead, she continued flipping the pages of her book. That's her way of showing disinterest and saying fuck off, hoping that the blonde would take the hint.

Obviously, she didn't.

"Why were you speaking with that delinquent neighbor of yours with such familiarity, hm?" Serenity asked in a sing-song tone, and Ezra couldn't help but shudder because of the maniacal grin plastered across the blonde's face. "Did you, perhaps, hit your head and suddenly stumble upon the thought that you fell in love with him?"

The said ginger resisted the urge she felt to throw her book to the blonde. No, her books were too precious for that.

Instead, she just whimpered while relentlessly flailing her hand across her best friend-slash-boss's face. "For the sake of books and everything good, don't ruin my day, Seren. You've read enough romance books for today. Please, stay away."

"What do you mean?" With her annoying sing-song voice, Serenity stretched the word mean. The said action only irritated Ezra more. "Am I not allowed to ask about you now?"

Ezra let out an exasperated sigh. "If you're only gonna pull my leg because of that new kid-or any other male species, for that matter-then, no. You are not allowed."

"Aw, c'mon!" the blonde abruptly threw her hands in the air as a sign of disbelief. "I just wanted to add color to your monochrome life!"

"Well, thanks, but don't need it," was all the gingerhead replied before she turned her chair away from her teasing friend, the latter frowning with dissatisfaction.

For a good amount of time, Serenity did decide to leave her alone. However, Ezra was a fool if she thought the blonde would just really leave it at that. So, when the said blonde approached her while they were preparing to close the store, Ezra just sighed, nowhere near surprised.

"So," another melodic tone from serenity made Ezra wish to run away. "Why did you really speak to him?"

Ezra came upon the conclusion that the blonde would never drop the subject - unless she was given a decent reason to - so the ginger head decided to just give up and humor her teasing friend.

"Pola decided to disappear to who-knows-where and leave the counter unattended, and mind you, she has yet to return. Iori, who was downstairs with the crew, saw Kid standing in front of the empty counter, looking like a lost kid - according to the blondie male version. So, out of the kindness in his heart, he went up to tell me and I went down to receive the man's payment. Happy, now?"

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